Reality Killed the Music

Today, December 24th, 2008 is a miserable day for music. Today an era ends. Today music loses just a bit more heart as "Steven's Untitled Rock Show" airs its last episode at 2:00 PM on Fuse.

"SURS," as it came to be called over the years, began in late 2004 when FUSE saw a growing demand for "the kind of bands that would play Warped Tour." Remember that heartfelt blog I posted about the first time I saw the My Chemical Romance video for "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"? Well, I saw that video on the show from which SURS stemmed, "Warped Wednesday."

I still remember my excitement for the then doubly-untitled show to air for the first time; Steven Smith was my favorite VJ from IMX, so I knew the show would be great. After its premier, I watched every single episode- I watched the show double in length from a half hour to the hour of air time it deserved, I watched the show before it had a title- I even submitted a title when a contest was put forth to name the show. The fans decided on the name, and we felt like we were a part of this show. This was our music. Music that no one else would play; music that I -personally- would never have known had SURS not been brought into my life.

To "Steven's Untitled Rock Show" and everyone behind it: thank you for being the only show that "got it." For knowing that being a part of music is being a part of something much more. Thank you for touching hearts and [pleasantly] rattling eardrums. Thanks for being the place where the punks, freaks, geeks, and indie kids alike could flock. Thanks for showing that it doesn't matter under which of those labels you find yourself-- we're all in this together. Thank you for defining a key time in my musical taste development. Thanks for believing in something.

This is a tough time, but I still believe in the good of the music world, and am going to try to help the legacy of the 'Rock Show live on through my writing. I know that being a part of the music world is being a part of a love- one huge beating heart that needs to live on. As a journalist, I promise to never write about music without throwing all of my heart into it.

Read Steven's blog about the ending of the show here

Read the show's producer's blog here

Both brought a tear to my eye. If you guys can, please tune in tomorrow at 2PM on Fuse.



Anonymous said…
wow i never watched SURS coz i dont get that channel but im still pretty sad that it got canceled alot of good interviews were held there...


xo LL
For sure! Steven was so relaxed and did some of the best interviews I have ever seen. He made all the artists he interviewed look like his old friends and feel like friends of the audience.


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