Becoming Little Miss Bloggy-Pants

I realized something as I went to bed last night at 6:30 pm- I'm not very productive as of late. It was like a slap in the face this morning when I looked at the clock and it said 11:30 am. That sealed it, I need to get on this blogging thing.

Yesterday, the rubbing-in started as I watched a great VH1 feature from a couple years ago about media and the young, out-of-control Hollywood scene. My first response to it was, "Wow. I want to be a member of the paparazzi," then -more logical- "I want to work for TMZ," then I lost the stars in my eyes and realized who I was, thinking, "That's just creepy," and went on with my half-attentive watching of the show until The Queen of All Media cropped up his pretty, little head.

Ah, Perez Hilton, I'd be lying if I said you didn't inspire me. Sometimes you thoroughly gross me out-- well, that was just one time when you said that the singer of my favorite band "[makes your] manties moist." But anything I hold against you is simple jealousy and you made that jealousy grow yesterday when you said something along the lines of this on that VH1 show (not a direct quote),
"My gossip blog is the only blog that actually breaks news."
Bitch. We can't all be so "on the inside" as you, though; I hope I someday will.

Anyway, the rubbing in continues--

Somewhere in the middle of my slumber I receive this text:

From: Twitter
gerardway: thinking about posting a blog


I wake this morning to not one, but FOUR new blogs on the My Chemical Romance site. One of the blogs, written by rhythm guitarist Frank Iero, even gawked at the quantity of blogs being posted. (Read it here).

So, here's the deal-- everyone is blogging me under the table (most notably my oh-so-notable follower, Alec), so I'm making a competition with my own will. Every time one of the My Chem guys blogs, I shall blog. Not at that precise moment, because I like to give my old blogs a little settling time to attract some sort of attention, but at some point I will.

So, I woke up to four blogs today, wrote this one, and that means I owe you three, Oh my Reader. All of my important obligations are online-based, I have seemingly nothing better to do. Let's do this!!



The A.G.B said…
Thanks for the shout-out! I don't think you are far behind your fellow student bloggers at all. Of all the blogs I follow, you are one of the two or three that post almost regularly.

Although, I am certainly not going to object to any more material. Your blog entertains me and I am becomming pretty starved for online material to read in the Winter months. Everyone seems to be slowing down!

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