
Showing posts from July, 2013

#MCRmyForLife - International My Chemical Romance Day 2013

I hope everyone has had a great International My Chemical Romance Day. This year was kind of surreal for me (and I'm sure for many others, as well.) I got to celebrate in a pretty huge way by writing an IMCRDarticle for the magazine for which I work now to highlight the MCRmy and this awesome way we band together every year. That's pretty crazy on its own, considering just a couple years ago, I was standing outside the venue where I worked press at Warped Tour just last week with the members of the band themselves. A person very dear to me pointed to the the magazine I call home's editor that night and said, "You should work for him." Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I actually would. It’s so strange how things in my life constantly come back to MCR . I think it's because of the profound impact they have had on my life. It's just engrained. I have so much to be thankful for—the MCRmy, the band, the inspiring world we buil