My Chemical Romance Mystery Twitter Accounts

Shortly after the cryptic change of My Chemical Romance's website, a strange Twitter account called "Dr. Death Defying" appeared. It was followed by only NewsAGoGo and a friend of the band when it reached out mysteriously to one fan, who tipped everyone off. It was later followed (then subsequently unfollowed) by both Ray Toro and Frank Iero.

Things got weird. Here's how it's going down so far...

September 3, 2010

Dr. Death Defying: Look alive sunshine. Shits all fucked up in the zones.

Dr. Death Defying: Words are gasoline, motorbabies

Dr. Death Defying: @thankthevenom Look alive...

Dr. Death Defying: @thesnackfairy There are more pills produced in Battery City than grains of sand in Zone 4.


NewsAGoGo: complete blackout. generators on stand-by. noise outside. screaming. static. sounds, robots dying...


Dr. Death Defying: @thatkkbitch Answer: Popping nitros near Wolfblood Beach will break more than your heart, it'll get you ghosted.


NewsAGoGo: generators online...stay tuned for live Zone coverage from our Zone reporter Agent Cherry Cola and remember...

NewsAGoGo: ...its gonna be a bright and sunny day!

NewsAGoGo: oops, sorry @AgentCherriCola, always forget its an i not y


Dr. Death Defying: The sun is setting over three miles of broken glass, and Im leaving you with a message from our finest motor army EXTERMINATE

DrDeathDefying: Massive/Awesome, Cold Dead Hands, and Mad Gear live at Fuck You House. Doors 18:30. Short shorts MANDATORY!!!


(Frank Iero: best job ever...and in my free time i get to play music with my friends.


Agent Cherri Cola: been eating sound-waves and living off frequencies for weeks now... look like a million bucks, who wants to date me?


Dr. Death Defying: Another one down in the 2.

Dr. Death Defying: Show's over for now. Dr. D, signing off.


September 4.

NewsAGoGo: Up and at'em boys and girls! Slip out of your cellophane sleep suits and let the IV's start dripping!

NewsAGoGo: Tune out to tune in!

NewsAGoGo: Todays broadcast is being brought to you by Battery Powered Exploding Sheep...Let the good times roll!


Dr. Death Defying: One hell of an alarm clock for Zone 3 starting our broadcast day. That was almost a triple earthquake.


Agent Cherri Cola: Mega Moon's Throttle bar...full of Wave-Head's...good thing I was at full power...when those guys pop, its just literally shit everywhere


Dr. Death Defying: @LosingMyGrip About to spin a rock block of awe and shock. So skip the static from the scarecrows, and stay nested. (in response to this)

Dr. Death Defying: Buried some TMGMK swag from last nights happening near the old whisky purification center. Good hunting!


September 5

NewsAGoGo: AM scans reporting the Stacks emitting green smoke. If the air starts smelling like limeade, EVACUATE AT ONCE!

NewsAGoGo: Other than the possible threat of poison air...its gonna be a bright and sunny day!

NewsAGoGo: Hold the phone! Incoming transmission...fragments...just vowels...possible love song...NO! Wait...

NewsAGoGo: Oh, the horror! Kilos of !*@#?DROIDS found dead late last night in the outskirts of 4. Warning sign or simple mass suicide? You decide


Agent Cherri Cola: Long night. Almost didnt wake up. Back on the hunt today. Keep smiling. Never look back.

Agent Cherri Cola: At Hyper-Thrusts. Got a case of dust mouth. All they had was clean water, that shits so 2015. Pumped off a few Slam Chasers and split.


ENTER Tommy Chow Mein

Tommy Chow Mein: Quit my old gig to SELL, SELL, SELL!

Tommy Chow Mein: This plot can be all yours for the low, low price of 27,697 c! Can't be beat!


NewsAGoGo: Urgent! Urgency! This was left outside in an unmarked package.

NewsAGoGo: @TommyChowMein operating on all pistons? Or has he finally started a cycle? I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE!!!

NewsAGoGo: hey, @agentcherricola you know what you're starting to sound like, right? Slaughtering, massacring are more ladylike than "pumping off"


Agent Cherri Cola: Hey @NewsAGoGo...FYW! Fuck Your World!


NewsAGoGo: We can all be monsters at the After Party


September 6

Tommy Chow Mein: Prime location in 3, minimal scorch! Great view of the park. Call to confirm!


Agent Cherri Cola: Remnant of the 2017 Pig Bomb. Carcass of a 6k pounder. Skin turned to leather under the sun. Made a good shelter for the night.


Dr. Death Defying: Spikes in static getting too hot around here. Time to pack up the lady and hop zones to somewhere a little more milkshake.


(Ray Toro: ?


NewsAGoGo: ...please stand by...
(accompanied by new display picture and background image, which could be better explained by this.)


September 7

Agent Cherri Cola: Lather...rinse...repeat


Tommy Chow Mein: Don't call it a wasteland! 2 quadrants available. Tons of potential! (Not responsible for preexisting hotspots.)


(@MCRofficial announces site change)


Dr. Death Defying: White suits on the horizon, wind stinks of latex, and I'm low on batteries.
(New display picture)


September 8

Ray Toro: ?


Agent Cherri Cola: Sun hasn't gone down for days now...everythings looking glossy and I'm beginning to taste like acid

Agent Cherri Cola: I think I just found Christmas...dead...on the side of the road


September 10

Agent Cherri Cola: Held up by a few former Sledge Hogs claiming to be the new X-Ray Council of 2...right...well, if they were, they aren't anymore


Ray Toro: 3:32:528
(Posted at roughly 5:10 p.m. EST)


NewsAGoGo: ...zzzzzzzzzzzttttttttt....

NewsAGoGo: and...we're back! (applause) Sorry folks, it seems someone slipped a Vice tab into the fruit punch that runs our mainframe.

NewsAGoGo: Urgent! Breaking news in 5...4...3...2...

NewsAGoGo: What was it again, we'll never find you? Here it is folks, our first glimpse. Agents! Go!
(Dr. Death Defying's jacket. Dr. D's profile: "You'll Never Find Me...")

"Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazzarus has replaced America's "Horse With No Name" on the KLSK Transmissions frequency

WKIL, which had been getting clearer, plays new music and the American national anthem under static


Agent Cherri Cola: Its like prom night all over again, except this time I know where my date is...and he aint gonna dance with no one else tonight

Agent Cherri Cola: "now I don't hardly know her.but I think I could love her...well if she come walking over. Now I've been waitin' to show her..."

Agent Cherri Cola: " minds such a sweet thing.I wanna do everything.what a beautiful feeling..."

(From the song "Crimson and Clover")


Dr. Death Defying: Got clipped by @newsagogo, every agent you send is gonna end up dusted! Sand is about to go all red-like, thrill killers.


(At this point, I started ranting about being on #TeamDRDeathDefying as I had brought up in the #MCRchat even earlier, and many of my followers caught on. Soon, so did NewsAGoGo)


NewsAGoGo: Poll! Whose side are you on? @drdeathdefying #TEAMDRDEATHDEFYLING or @agentcherricola #TEAMAGENTCHERRICOLA


Dr. Death Defying: Here is a special request to kick off a certain zonerunners 30th time around the sun.


NewsAGoGo: It's literally neck and neck right now. Sorry, there is NO #teamnewsagogo>

NewsAGoGo: There is also no #teamTommyChowMein. We are even really sure why he exists.

NewsAGoGo: Aren't sure why he even exists...

NewsAGoGo: Urgent! 20180114191309191909151419120919200514201523110912


September 11

NewsAGoGo: The results are in! The answer is yes, "a" is a valid substitute for "er"...


Then, my life was made. Note that @MCRchat is the account I use to mod #MCRchat on Twitter.


Tommy Chow Mein: Why the fuck not?! Any takers?

Tommy Chow Mein: Probably not worth my time but WHO FUCKING CARES?!!!

Tommy Chow Mein: Higher! Come on! Blow out your fucking savings like theres no tomorrow!


Agent Cherri Cola: sucking down straight diesel in sub-scorch gets me feeling all glossed the first chick to show up at the orgy


ENTER Party Poison

Party Poison: 575.Okami-san grab the H-bomb- it's time to get LIVE. Give me blistas on my trigger-digits- give me too much MTV


NewsAGoGo: Brotha's and sista's! GET THE FUCK UP!!! @partypoison is LIVE!


NewsAGoGo: It's BLASTA night!


Party Poison: Vocoder voice. Brand new shields and it feels alright. Powder-brown from the knee down.

Party Poison: @NewsAGoGoLOL!THanks4THEEaDD!!

Party Poison: @DrDeathDefyinggive me MOAR


September 12

NewsAGoGo: Coming up later...A shocking new report on grammar and why we have better things to do than worry about it. Also, BLASTA results!


Party Poison: Abort video mission, there will be another day. Dog food dinner and transmissions instead, impromptu parties bust out like a rash.

Party Poison: repeat- no Video Mission Abstracts. Save the gasoline.
("No V.M.A.s" Rumor debunked)


Gerard Way: collect me all
Hilarious new background image

Gerard Way: @FuckPumpkinPie Not this year, buckaroo. Waiting for a bat-signal instead.
In response to VMA speculation


NewsAGoGo: While we add up high scores from last nights fiasco...


Party Poison: @NewsAGoGo Trending artikill

Party Poison: Mess up my hair reel good, mask up, stay off the gridd.

Party Poison: @DrDeathDefying Whats my motivation? Give me sounds.

Party Poison: @FrankiesFear I'm a poster on your bedroom wall. I'm a red red rabies-baby.


Agent Cherri Cola: Feelin' juicy. Gonna go all polka dottie on @partypoison


Party Poison: Boogeymen- rash out. Max the high score and cash the sugar.

Party Poison: @ViennaKISS I'm the ticket that exploded.

Party Poison: @Love_mcr_ I've got too many faces and not enough mirrors.

Party Poison: @_nevertoolate I am ZEROPERCENT. And I'm YOU when I feel like it.

(I can tell this one is going to be a handful...)


Agent Cherri Cola: Drobe's all worn. Time to get birthday like. First some viral, low on cubes


Dr. Death Defying: This one goes out to @partypoison, hope the blind aint giving you too much static. Keep it simple.

Dr. Death Defying: @ThankTheVenom They grow them pretty clever in your Zone. You wouldn't happen to know how to fix rollerskates would you?
Ladyboy much? Note that Liam, ThankTheVenom, was the first user Dr. D reached out to, as well.


Tommy Chow Mein: chow, chow, chow...MEIN! I'm Radio-Active!


Party Poison: 575-go


Tommy Chow Mein: Just us insects. Office space! Light me up!


Party Poison: @GreenDayAngel Jack-paz. Easter eggs all around- someone went to class

Party Poison: @falconMCR Sarcasm is dead, as well as his sister, Irony.

Party Poison: @NewsAGoGo update please... need a four and double ones

Party Poison: @DrDeathDefying my hero


NewsAGoGo: Attn all Slinga's! Resurrection road, down for the count! Use alt rt!


Party Poison: @MonroeMCR Rebellion is teenage exploitation. The mohawk is the new shirt and tie. Don't wear the t-shirt- Its a trap.

Party Poison: @xtine92 Don't scramble the signal. Message crystal clear and unmodified.Tonight is a good night for breathing night-air.

Party Poison: @thatmcrmykid Evryone's got a past. Spelling, please.

Party Poison: @MrsDeathDefying All my 2nd life.

Party Poison: @xtine92 Make no apologies.


Dr. Death Defying: @PartyPoison Youre warming my coffee. Thought you and the rest of your box of crayons got X'd near Contemplation Lane.


NewsAGoGo: Brothas and sistas! Sons and daughters of nothing! Don't dot your I's! Fuck paragraphs and complete sentences! Don't let them control you!

NewsAGoGo: Here comes a blast off! Yes! Yes! Go, go, GO!

At this point, NewsAGoGo retweeted 16 very cries of anarchy including the word "fuck," Rayguns, dislike for authority, school-skipping and partying. As it was happening, the sensations was that of a loss of control for some and liberation for others: Loss of control on the more "teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me" side of things...

NewsAGoGo:Systems shutting down. Tomorrows forecast calls for a bright and sunny day!


Dr. Death Defying: I caught a case of vma once during the helium wars- this is way scarier. Stay inside dust angels-

Gerard Way:
(same video)


Party Poison: been spotted- ben afleck

Party Poison: ben alfleck is an illness, not a person

Party Poison: @Vivi_Venom terminal- terminally gorgeous, Gigli

Party Poison: @TickTockBang I'm not dead- your interweb is dead

Party Poison: @DeOkIe Kinda awesome

Party Poison: @JulesOHara Matt Damon is my favorite goddamned actor in the whole world

(After this, Poison continued to rant about actors, especially Jennifer Aniston)


Gerard Way: How much can you boys and boys and girls blow this up- or do we have to lip-sync?


September 13

Party Poison: delete. delete. delete.


Tommy Chow Mein: Swiped a few incomings at yesterdays drop off. Resale! Slightly used, completely serviceable!


Party Poison: Noise


Dr. Death Defying: @Serynzia Enjoy the ride, sunshines. Something tells me we'll all get there soon enough.


NewsAGoGo: Black is death. We draw our lines in color motha fucka. Turn the lights on quick before the fucking plug gets pulled.


Dr. Death Defying: Hey, @AgentCherriCola, thanks for finally giving back my RFYLCB tape. All is forgiven. This ones for you!


NewsAGoGo: Burn the black! You all need to fucking shine tonight!


September 14

Agent Cherri Cola: playin' the newlywed game with my hands...all the hot mouths are about to get plastered


Dr. Death Defying: WKIL antenna almost fixed, can you hear me out there? Can you dig it?!

(WKIL is longer, The Star Spangled Banner more pronounced, in addition to the first, there is a new clear bit of MCR vocals. At the end, a voice says, "Look alive, sunshine.")

Dr. Death Defying: “@CaptainMaii: Time to do some motherfucking damage @DrDeathDefying” -Your parents raised you right. -Dr. DD.


NewsAGoGo: Rise and shine you tender little go-go babies! Starting morning scans...

NewsAGoGo: Reporting a slight disturbance. Interior of 2. Could be nothing. Supastars! Look into it

NewsAGoGo: Scratch that, @partypoison & @agentcherricola you've just been invited to a dance slave party by this guy!


Tommy Chow Mein: Its the fuckingTommy Chow Mein room key! Blow up my beeper!


Agent Cherri Cola: turn me up and inside out. lookin for internals. my hairs starting to feel like holiday sauce
(New background image: "suga")


September 15

Party Poison: Set phasers to FUN


I've posted my first written speculative theory regarding the spider if anyone would like to read it.


Agent Cherri Cola: gimme more THREATS gimme more VOLTAGE

Agent Cherri Cola: gimme more SYMPTOMS gimme more DANGER gimme more LIVES

Agent Cherri Cola: @drdeathdefying turn up the disease. we're dialed in.


September 16, 2010

NewsAGoGo: Oh, now that's interesting. It appears that zone 3 has disappeared. Looking into it now.


Agent Cherri Cola: I make xanex nervous. Give morphine the shakes


Dr. Death Defying: @TommyChowMein It's almost time, we'll need Zaps, batteries, plasma, sharp sticks, and napkins.

Dr. Death Defying: Its quiet out there. Heres a late night jam for all of you searching for a place to hide.


September 17

Dr. Death Defying: Oh man, when did this zone become the fuckin' Valley of the Draculoids?!


Party Poison: @AgentCherriCola Give me the high-sign, motherbox

Party Poison: Count to zero- I think I hear an engine running


Agent Cherri Cola: @PartyPoison I fast-fwd'd zone 3. Bringing it back in a few clips covered in blitz and razz. Keep an ear to the ground


Dr. Death Defying: Skate your darling little heart out Ladyboy, we need the signal!



NewsAGoGo: 5...4...3...2...

NewsAGoGo: Here we Go!


Agent Cherri Cola: And here we go...


Tommy Chow Mein: Go!


Dr. Death Defying: Killjoys, make some noise...


NewsAGoGo: Did you fucking hear me?!!! Its the goddamn Killjoys!


Party Poison: Hard to see. With other peoples. Blood in eyes.


NewsAGoGo: Activating @DJHotCHIMPActivating @DJHotCHIMP



DJ Hot CHIMP: Comin' at you live. Jerry Seinfeld OVERDRIVE. White kicks and light blue jeans. Sleep disorder on the AM


September 18

Gerard Way: Shiny: reclaimed adj. Something awesome, solid. "That new raygun you got off that ghosted drac is fucking SHINY".

Gerard Way: Motorbabies: n,kids on the run, children of the carburetor. Survivors, with ammunition and a love for speed.


Party Poison: Magic knife. Wait by the window. Sharper still.

Party Poison: TMGMK was a blast last night


Gerard Way: Ammunition
Art is the weapon

September 19

DJ Hot CHIMP: To all my bitch-bots waitin' for their tape to end. Turn up the atomic in your speakers, ladies. Ill keep you alive tonight


September 20

Dr. Death Defying: We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor...


Party Poison: @DJHotCHIMP hot chimp- kick it!


DJ Hot CHIMP: Heavy rotation. Overweight on the airwaves.


NewsAGoGo: Meters running HOT tonight. Mad cow disease in the gardens.Suggestion! Stay close to loved ones.

September 25

Dr .Death Defying: Caught a case of the shiver shakes after losing mayonnaise roulette. Big thanks to @partypoison for the Chicken Soup pills...

Dr. Death Defying: ...This ones for you!


September 26

Party Poison: @NewsAGoGo so quiet in the zones- eerily quiet


NewsAGoGo: No traffic today! Feel free to take your kids on the highway. Just make sure they have on vapor filters and it's your WORLD!

NewsAGoGo: Got word from @patrypoison ...always good. @cherricola last spotted carrying a group of small children out of 5.

NewsAGoGo: Let's hope he didn't overdose and end up in a caffeine vortex again. The future of carbonation and high fructose is in your hands, folks.

NewsAGoGo: Trannnssssssmisssssionnn @drrrrrrrdeeeeethdddeeefyinggggg HELPppllLLLppp!!!,.,


September 27

NewsAGoGo: The following statement is being brought to you by Power Pup.

NewsAGoGo: Power Pup. All rights reserved. Any violation will result in alteration, dislocation, and relocation.

NewsAGoGo: This station is no longer operational. Have a BETTER day.


DJ Hot CHIMP: RIP @newsagogo This one goes out to you.


Agent Cherri Cola: My god... @newsagogo down. They're in the zones. @partypoison @drdeathdefying @djhotchimp don't let them find you alive


Tommy Chow Mein: About to get my hands on some used television equipment! Anyone interested, stay tuned!


Agent Cherri Cola: Had enough. On overdrive. Heading into the heart of Battery City. Fist first. Taking out anyone in my way. FYW! Fuck Your World!


DJ Hot CHIMP: Fist first MOTHER FUCKER! This one goes out to you @agentcherricola


Dr. Death Defying: We were too late to save @newsagogo. All I can do now is play them a song...

Dr. Death Defying: .@AgentCherriCola Thats suicide man, it'll be the Battle of Utah all over again! This ones for you, Good luck!


Agent Cherri Cola: Entering 4. Body count at 17.


DJ Hot CHIMP: @agentcherricola


Tommy Chow Mein: As promised! Broadcasting equipment, monitors, scanning devices. It all must go! Quick, this place reeks of sin.


Party Poison: @AgentCherriCola I have your back, and your front dear sir


Dr. Death Defying: To spread the message you've got to know the words, motorbabies.


October 3

Dr. Death Defying: Here's a Sunday jam for whoever's left out there, Ain't It Fun, baby.


October 11

Dr. Death Defying: Shifting through zones more and more these days, to my new neighbors I say, "Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong".

Dr. Death Defying: Seems like theyre making some kind of big Brand Land production of our story, Show Pony is thrilled...


Agent Cherri Cola: ...and there were tiny little cellophane birds singing me to sleep. tickling my earlobes. i can still hear them...

Agent Cherri Cola: "tut tut, looks like rain!"

Agent Cherri Cola: No's hail. But weirder.

Agent Cherri Cola: It's eyes.actual eyeballs falling from the sky. filled with children's dreams and mountain lion blood


October 12

Agent Cherri Cola: Rough night. Arm in sling. Drac scalp for face mask. Body count at 73

Agent Cherri Cola: Preferred murder method. Ripping out assholes. Gloveless. Watch as the internals slowly slide out like melting ice cream


October 14

Dr. Death Defying: You can't win'em all, Killjoys. The only question is, what are we going to do about it?


Agent Cherri Cola: Suggestion for anyone in my way. Lather. Rinse. Retreat.


October 17

Agent Cherri Cola: The next book in my post-erotic fiction series will have to wait. Left 3 littered with corpses. Body count at 187

Agent Cherri Cola: Low on power. Need to lose the arm. Gotta dig a hole to bury it in first. Kills the scent.


October 18

New account: Transmissions19 appears after the Transmissions page turns into a puzzle that eventually leads to a "secret page." Have fun Killjoys!

Transmissions19: Transmitting... Stability At 50%


October 19

Dr.Death Defying: All you tech-brains and microchips out there...keep an eye on your transmission modules, I hear they're real easy to hack up.
Hint, Hint...


October 29

Agent Cherri Cola: Outskirts of the Battery. Us -1arm. Them -239 bodies.

Agent Cherri Cola: No power left. The Battery is black tonight. I need a favor from all of you...

Agent Cherri Cola: I need vision. If anyone is alive out there, I need you to light my way tonight. Turn them on. Burn them bright. For @newsagogo !

Agent Cherri Cola: Hold'em up! Burn a hole in the sky! Going in! Keep smiling.


DJ Hot CHIMP: Godspeed @agentcherricola



ENTER: @GaryLevko

Gary Levko: Logging in. Day 1. Standard Services department.


Agent Cherri Cola: This person is no longer operational. However, we would like to welcome @garylevko to our Standard Services department. Have a better day.


ENTER: @BobFillmore (followed by Gary Levko. First tweet was from October 18!)

Bob Fillmore: Logging in. Day 1 at the Standard Services department.


NewsAGoGo: We woke up! They were dragging someone in. We got out. Who's out there still?

NewsAGoGo: HO-LY!! @agentcherricola ? Dont tell me! @garylevko is that you? Wake Up!!!


November 4

NewsAGoGo: Reports of a...BULLET WAR?! Didn't you hear?! Shells went out with coffins. Laser death turns bodies into satellites. Orbit mother fucka!


Gary Levko: File. Stamp. Smile.


Bob Fillmore: @GaryLevko have you seen the specs on the new filtering tubes? Quite good. Cafeteria lunch in 6.


Gary Levko: yes. Consumers will be pleased. Cafeteria in 8. Possible 2 minute overdraft of section 381.764D

Gary Levko: Suitable refueling. I only required half of a can today. Sustained for rest of the day. @BobFillmore regulate your intake, chair scales


November 7

NewsAGoGo: Shake off the glory. Get with the zones.


Party Poison: @NewsAGoGo glory is boolshit! Violate! Violate!

Party Poison: @flashmaster15 fuuuuuck your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace


NewsAGoGo: ADD! Clearing murder channel 7 for @partypoison Go Negative!

NewsAGoGo: Great article w/ @drdeathdefying and @partypoison in next months SHINY. On stands 7/15/2019.

NewsAGoGo: Today's broadcasts are transmitting via the orbiting remains of the 2013 cast of Annie Get Your Gun.


November 10

Dr. Death Defying: Been gone too long. Levels gonna pop to max next week, Neo Pasadena is about to E-X-P-L-O-D-E!


November 12

Dr. Death Defying: Individual Software Update 4.2 just nerfed Super Violator's power levels. What am I supposed to do, sunburn people to death?


Gary Levko: Zone Intruder spotted. 1138th St. Tunnel. Expression Analyzed. : SMOLDERING


Bob Fillmore: Uh oh, @garylevko Just finished an advanced CG render of suspects identity. We may be in trouble here.


Dr. Death Defying: Wonderful, as if going jacket shopping with Show Pony wasn't thrilling enough...looks like tonight's broadcast is getting delayed.

Dr. Death Defying: Hey @partypoison Watch your seatwarmer out there. Intercepted messages from @garylevko and some jerk named @bobfillmore Theyre on to you.


Bob Fillmore: Photo Data received of second subject. No response from checkpoint. PERSONAL NOTE: Buy an eyepatch, very dashin


Gary Levko: -BL/ind system over-ride- Warning :) to intruders. Evacuate premise :) at once. Floors 1-3 prepare :) inflammatory's. This is not a request


Tommy Chow Mein: Remember what calories were like?! 2 unopened boxes. Put gastric bypass surgery back on your Xmas list this year!


Gary Levko: BLI Parking Violation detected.


Bob Fillmore: Positive Identification: Kobra Kid. Chance of AM 05:30 MCS meeting cancellation: 87%


Gary Levko XXXXxxXXXXXXxX35467XxxxxxxXX


Bob Fillmore: PRIV4TE MESSA5Ex: Hey, @garylevko ...I'm hiding by the snack machine on lvl 4. It's been damaged, there's free protein everywhere!


Dr. Death Defying: Your eardrums are my diary tonight Motorbabies. Too much stress, my knee is soured up, had THAT dream again:


November 14

NewsAGoGo: source from deep within the Battery reporting a new ban on "looking to the east" while electric backdrops are being installed on city limits

NewsAGoGo: Yet another attempt to censor our existence. Hoping to have an update on securing our top secret super weapon soon. Pop!


Tommy Chow Mein: Who wants to buy zone 3?!!!


NewsAGoGo: Please support our local sponsors

NewsAGoGo: Reports of people coming down with Old Bay seasoning in zone 5. Masks down to prevent outbreak. Pop!


D.J. Hot Chimp: Vacation bound. Lost and found. Lets all wish Bingo a happy birthday. See you soon!


November 16

Dr. Death Defying: Setup almost golden, testing "borrowed" satellite up link now:

Dr. Death Defying: Show Pony...We're Needed!

Dr. Death Defying: Filling my canteen, SP's setting up the cam...who could possibly be knocking on the bunker door right now?

Dr. Death Defying: Oh for fucXxxxx#$^^^^^^...03848@#$%^%&&%$#$%!$^&$#@$444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444434q4wrwrfggg

Dr. Death Defying: Goddamn Draculoids, my lucky shades are K.I.A...but the show must go on...

Dr. Death Defying: I have got for you, some brand new tunes and a whole lotta fun...beginning our broadcast day in 3...2...1...

Dr. Death Defying: We're on the air, straight from the lair! Listening to Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys!
(Note: The video has since been reviewed, but here is a transcript of Dr. Death Defying's commentary!)


Tommy Chow Mein: Invest in murder this holiday season with a special deal on my Puritan Blaster 5000 and blow all your careers away!


November 18

Dr. Death Defying: These jokers are asking 15k carbons for an Individual...I just inherit them from ghosted Dracs!

Dr. Death Defying: Lotta bad road out of Battery City today...but save your salt, motorbabies. Killjoys never die.


Skipping ahead a bit because the tweets of April 26-28, 2011 got a little wild. Will go back to insert the in-between posts.


April 26, 2011

Gary Levko: Thing bot Lucy < votz obscene


April 28, 2011

NewsAGoGo: Smoke. Horizon truncated. 37% chance of preteen. [IMAGE]

Configuring... [IMAGE]

NewsAGoGo: High risk of Machiavelli syndrome today. Mouth breathers steady.

Incoming. Data stream results inconclusive at this time. Stay alert. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]


Tommy Chow Mein: Slightly worn shoes! Crisp. Mild sent of dead. Page me! [IMAGE]
NOTE: Prior to this tweet, someone had accidentally signed in to and sent it from the Agent Cherri Cola account


Hot mouse. [IMAGE]


May 1, 2011

Dr. Death Defying: @DJHotCHIMP That's some good eatin'


May 6, 2011

Dr. Death Defying: When I was eleven, and karate was young...
NOTE: "Black Dragon Fighting Society


May 16, 2011: The Return of Agent Cherri Cola!

DJ Hot CHIMP: @DrDeathDefying Brittany Spears on line 1 for you...something about getting that dinner and movie you promised her
NewsAGoGo: Wait...are we still here? What does it all mean?!
Agent Cherri Cola: •••••• password invalid

Agent Cherri Cola: ••••••• password invalid

Agent Cherri Cola: ••••••• password invalid {For further information on how to access this account please contact God}


May 17, 2011

Agent Cherri Cola: Heh, god.
New Twitter Picture


May 25, 2011

Tommy Chow Mein: $$$$$$$!!!

Tommy Chow Mein: @PoisonAndFire I'm the ice cream man
Editor's note: THAT'S ME!!

Tommy Chow Mein: @lookaliveSARAH jealously won't save your life when the sun explodes.

Tommy Chow Mein: You all want @'s? Can't sell those. Contest! Best 2019 pick up lines gets @'s. Go!
Agent Cherri Cola: @TommyChowMein are those your pincers or are you just happy to see me?

Tommy Chow Mein: #2019pickuplines @dlwendel
(Note: there were several like this. TCM @-mentioned the people with the best pickup lines)

Tommy Chow Mein: @AgentMtDew you'll never survive with that attitude. You're as good as dusted

Tommy Chow Mein: @AgentMtDew sure
(Note: That became Shaun Simon's twitter profile picture. [Screenshot])

May 26, 2011
NewsAGoGo: Getting word of @TommyChowMein 's #2019pickuplines Just a heads up, he's not the type of guy you wanna bring home to meet your patents

May 27, 2011

Tommy Chow Mein: #2019 spoiler alert- you're all dead

Many Gaps to be filled here!

October 16, 2011
DJ Hot Chimp: H-O-T

October 19, 2011

RT @PoisonAndFire RT @DJHotCHIMP: H-O-T
(Note: That is me the account retweeted! This came out of nowhere!)

DJ Hot Chimp: @PoisonAndFire gimme something HOT to fire off!

DJ Hot Chimp: come watch @PoisonAndFire and I explode Drac's in Zone 2

DJ Hot Chimp: Just gonna blow some shit up, maybe go for hot fudge sundae's after

Tommy Chow Mein: I have a feeling I'm gonna have some fresh CHIMP meat tomorrow!

Tommy Chow Mein: CHOW. CHOW. CHOW.

Tommy Chow Mein: CHIMP CHOW MEIN!

NewsAGoGo: Hey, @lynokelly brought up a great point. Halloween in the Zones!!! Go take some Halloween Zone pics and plaster twitter with them!

NewsAGoGo: #KilljoysHalloween

Agent Cherri Cola: #KilljoysHalloween

Agent Cherri Cola: @DesertFlare ZoneWEED!

Agent Cherri Cola: . ZoneWEED. Off the grid.

Agent Cherri Cola: @chemicallypanic we dress up like you

Agent Cherri Cola: Butter battered

Agent Cherri Cola: ZoneWEED. #KilljoysHalloween

October 31, 2011
Dr. Death Defying: ...What a horrible night to have a

Dr. Death Defying: Draculoids lifted our pumpkin, Pony is crushed. This one goes out to any burner who carves me a Drac O' Lantern!

January 17, 2012
Tommy Chow Mein: Oh, hey

March 27, 2012
[possibly related?]

Shaun Simon:

Shaun Simon: Ok. That's soo not panel 4 of page 1 of the issue 3 script. Trust me, it's better then that.

March 28, 2012
Agent Cherri Cola: the sounds like, like.........

Agent Cherri Cola: Like existence

Agent Cherri Cola: Like motorbikes laced with speed...engines running on pure consciousness

Agent Cherri Cola: Phantoms singing through dead channels


Comments are now unmoderated. Fire theories at will, readers!



Rosie McCarthy said…
Some of those tweets point to MCR doing something LIVE at 6.30pm???
anomnyous said…
TO Rosie:

I think so, because on the MCR website someone posted a blog about her friend buying her tickest to an MCR concert (or secret show). and i think that was in August? :D
tfrank said…
I'd suggest u both turn to thir website today, 9/5, at 630. I mean, their updated website is a tv which to me means there will be something happening on one of the 5 channels :)
Anonymous said…
hrbt = heartbeat, klsk is a radio station in Great Falls MT, rfdd Restriction Fragment Differential Display, blnd: beutiful lesbos never die, can't think about wkil...
Leonardo Araujo said…
is it possible that the album is called slaughter motor sounds?
I would say definitely keep an eye on the site at 6:30 p.m. PST.

They may have been referring to the August date of the two Roxy shows in 2009. Unless it was an EXTREMELY secret show.

Will do. One problem: Today is the 4th, not the 5th. :]

Anon 2-
Many have linked the acronyms to various radio stations.

The display picture for Dr. Death Defying says "Slaughtermatic Sounds." The file name itself is called "Slaughtermatic." I really have no clue.


Thank you all for commenting!
Sazzie said…
dude, that's some mysterious and slightly...mental, tweets x'D
I have a headache now.

I keep on checking back on the site,
D; I guess I'll check again @ 6:30, PST? i guess I'll have to check what time that is in the UK.
ching said…
OMG... i've only just seen the site and it's getting all the buzz. i'm so excited! :D
Sarah said…
I can't take all this mystery. I'll have a nervous breakdown before we find out the truth. Very very exciting though.
Anonymous said…
Im so confused about the time stuff... if im in Minnesota, what time will I need to check the site?!? I really dont want to miss anything!!!
Nessie said…
I've set my phone to PST and an alarm for 6:30, not missing this for the world!
Brigid L. P. said…
Why PST, though?
(sry if I posted this twice! Blogger is acting up.)
I would just keep checking it regularly.

The reason I suggested 6:30 p.m. PST is because the record label/ Members of MCR are based in California. They are in Pacific Time.

However... Who in the world even knows which times any of the "zones" are in... 0____0!
anomnyous said…
to Cassie: (about the secret show)

I think it was an EXTREMLEY secret show, her friend was working at hottopic and she said they were selling MCR tickets so she bought the tickets anyway and it was not that long ago in Aug. :) maybe they had a show and they closed down the website so people wouldn't blog about it :D
Danielle said…
not to throw in a curve ball comment, but has anyone seen on the MCR site before the crazy switchover or know anything about the person who blogged about knowing someone who got her friend a ticket to a secret show in scranton? I can find it on a google search, but bc the site has changed i can see the blog? Didn't know if this was part of any of the craziness happening.....
Danielle said…
Could Zone 3 be Twitter? Since the message this morning about a "triple earthquake" in zone 3, and since all the mayhem started with the 3 strange twitter accounts... the mayhem could be the alarm clock that is waking up the fans...or the "robots dying"... I think they are using a lot of metaphorical language in their messages.. I've been doing some research and thinking over this.... "words are gasoline, motorbabies": are we, the fans, the motorbabies or robots, and their words are the gasoline that fuels us or brings us to life?? It makes sense to me! I'm looking at all the comments in this way and some sense is being made in my head... maybe? haha!
anomnyous said…
i was thinking when AgentCherriCola says "who wants to date me" i was thinking since all of the guys are married this guy could be the new band memeber XD i know they might be joking but who knows (because ya'know how people are gonna be all over the new guy. and hasn't mcr been working on the album for months? 0.o
Here is the post for which you guys are looking:

The person who posted about it gave a time frame, but it doesn't sound like the person who told them actually did?

They played a low-key show in PA in 2006. I know that much.
Anonymous said…
AgentCherriCola's post about "mega moon" and "wave-heads"
check this out...
Anonymous said…
As far as the zones go, has anyone, at all, noticed that there was an earthquake in New Zealand the morning of 9/4; the fact that Death Defying called it a "triple earthquake" can reference to the Richter Scale, which measures the intensity of earthquakes.
So, if Zone 3 IS New Zealand, then we're looking at the zones being global.
One of the other Twitters mentioning a lot of sand in Zone 4... the Middle East?
Brigitta Burne said…
The earthquake here in New Zealand was three earthquakes all really close together! If they remember NZ and are including us in this I would be SO happy haha
Karma said…
I found the background and icon images that NewsAGoGo and AgentCherriCola are using, they're not original:

NewsAGoGo background:

NewsAGoGo icon:

AgentCherriCola background/icon:
Anonymous said…
Okay, now this is pretty weird.
Look at this:

and then listen to this...:

Hear the "na na na's..."?
anomnyous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
anomnyous said…
teagaho, that is weird and why backwards right?
and i was thinking does any of the tweets (and the other stuff) be linked to Demolition Lovers (or other MCR related things)?
i mean:

Desert Background
Scarecrow mention in tweet (scarecrows and gasoline linked maybe?)
Gasoline tweet ("fuel this flame")
Cold Hands (doctors, hospitals)
IV (fluids, desert song)
and the auditions: one girl that has a gun in the pic & one boy)

and whats up with all the electrical connections (generators,battery, power, static ect.) oops, sorry if im commenting to much XD
Sarah said…
I read somewhere that Horse with No Name was originally called Desert Song. I sure that has no meaning but just thought I'd share haha.
Anonymous said…
Does anybody know where to find the "old still"?

A whiskey purification center could be called a still.
Danielle said…
I get this feeling that we are all becoming pawns in a parrelel universe comic book.... Thinking about the tweets from DrDeathDefying, AgentCherriCola, and NewsAGoGo..... It seems to me that DrDeathDefying is up to no good, the villain of sorts, AgentCherriCola is a detective or a news caster, like a weatherman (bc of his continuance of the "it's going to be a bright and sunny day!" comments), and NewsAGoGo is a news broadcasting service... This keeps getting weirder and weirder....

Any new revelations of the "TMGMK swag from last night's happening near the old whiskey purification center" ?? This ones baffling me...

(also, a new tweet since this from AgentCherriCola and NewsAGoGO in regards to DrDeathDefying's tweet this morning...if anyone hasn't seen them yet...)
Anonymous said…
TMGMK swag

KMGMT is a full service management company representing artists, producers, directors, and editors. based in Los Angeles CA.
Anonymous said…
Maybe they are doing somthing like Green Day did(in american idiot: St Jimmy etc.)? Except they're bringing everything up more mysteriously.
levi_gd said…
@teagaho the thing about horse with no name backwards is really weird... I looked it up before and saw that it used to be called the desert song, but I'm not sure how that relates to the new album unless MCR has redone their "Desert Song" for the album (unlikely).
I am getting a whole desert/sci-fi vibe about all this though. it kind of reminds me of that one recent-ish movie where there were aliens living in the desert... I don't remember the name haha.
and I was sure the numbers would only go up to 58 today but... no. MCR is awfully good at being cryptic!
Anonymous said…
i think that the WKIL channel will reveal the new drummer. if you look at the screen, there is the profile of a face that you can't quite make out. also, there are drums playing in the background. maybe i'm just crazy, but that's what i think.
Marlen said…
I heard a lot of people saying something about 9 days, something about the numbers. The VMAS are in nine days (were in nine days at the time of the tweet), so maybe something will happen there, at 6:30?

Idk anymore, I'm sleep deprived and up to this point believing everything is possible.

...I probably wouldn't be surprised if MCR jumped out of one of my posters or something...
Shalakaboomboom said…
They're just playing with our heads.
Whatever. When something happens wake me up.
Anonymous said…
I'm so confused. I read this...

it says something about it having to do with war..future war?
Anonymous said…

Okay, we have an Agent Cherri Cola
AND an Agent Cherry Cola
Anonymous said…
In the song, "Horse With No Name," there's a lyrics that states "In the desert, you can remember your name."
Since a major theme of this mystery is the desert and MCR's song Desert Song is being linked to "Horse With No Name," it's possible that the new album could be self titled, hence " can remember your name."
Anonymous said…
Do you guys remember the video cast calling thing? It says they would be finished filming on 9-3-10. (cont)
Anonymous said…
same guy from WKIL
This is quite simple to figure out with a little googling and some background knowledge, really.
Everything we need to know about the new album will be revealed on September 12th. Sep. 12th is actually the day the VMA's come on.

The album apparently revolves around a dystopian future where Robots are king and the humans are forced to work. Dr. Death Defying is the leader of the rebellion against this oppressive government. NewsAGoGo is a computer set up to keep the rebels in line. He is working for the overlords. Agent Cherri Cola is the woman assigned to take out Dr Death Defying and kill the rebels. It's really not hard to comprehend once you think about it.

That's the story behind it, but the album's gonna sound like a lot of old 1970's rock music. This comes from different tweets with song lyrics from old songs such as 'Let The Good Times Roll.' It also has a very futuristic sound. This is from all the robots, ray guns, and other futuristic tweets.

To clarify a couple of questions people have been asking:
1) 'Tune out to tune in' is a drug reference. In the 60's, when you 'tuned out', you were dropping acid and getting high.
2) Slaughtermatic is a reference to a book.
It sounds a lot like what this album is gonna be about.

It's all quite simple, once you do a little digging. :)
SilverSlain said…
Ever consider the zones to be the band site, myspace, twitter, and facebook?
Shalakaboomboom said…
Apparently Angie-
I really don't think you can get al that from a couple of tweets.
It's not simple.
Alainaa said…
the band has mentioned in past interviews that the misfits are a huge influence on their music and the twitter name newsagogo reminded me of the misfits song "nike a go-go" and the lyrics are pretty relevant: "it's a missile girl in a missile world human tongue feels aluminum-plate it's a missile boy...death machine and man in love...tracking system checks out pulse, all systems go...deadlier than any girl on any world"

but that's just what I got..
ShalakaBoomboom said…
Cherri cola posted something about something being so "2015".
Anyone think this is going to be some weird futuristic apocolyptic war type thing?
I'm not sure I'd like that.
Bring back the dark storytelling!
Anonymous said…
Anyone else hear a song or something behind the static on the "WKIL" channel? I swear I can hear Gerard's voice.
Danielle said…
You can definitely hear music behind the static! It comes and fades, but you can hear drums for sure and at times a full band and vocals, though its not clear enough to make out words or even melodies...
Sarah said…
It's definitely post-apocalyptic. Also these might be faks but have you seen
blackcat813 said…
has anyone noticed how much all of this relates to fallout (the video game)? the apocalyptic/atomic bomb theme, 'whiskey purification' is a mission and you can eat lizard meat...throughout the game you listen to pirate radio, and WKIL was an old pirate radio station...the exterminate picture from the tweets matches the robots from the game, and the site's general layout basically looks like it jumped out of fallout-world. i'm not sure if this is all vague coincidence or really something, but my friend thinks that the album will share the october 19th release date with fallout:las vegas.
Anonymous said…
yeah i can hear gerards boice in the WKIL
and did any of you guys see this yet. (Credit to Drinking

“Elements of the original Umbrella Academy pitch ended up being part of ‘The Black Parade’ in weird ways that people would never know.”
Gerard Way – 2008 – NME Magazine

remember comic con
Anonymous said…
oh i forgot to add, the timers on the website are speeding up and getting quicker than it was before, maybe this could mean when it reaches full speed (on whichever day that is possibly the VMA's thank you 2shy2scream :)im thinking its gonna blow up and reveal everything. man i feel like a detective XD to be honest its really creeping me out, this ehole thing
Anonymous said…
the HRTBT one IS morse code and i think its a date.
here's an example of the "sounds":
(sounds like it huh?)

and here's how to read it:

listen to the website while using that. i know it probably might be impossible like it was for me but i could make out some slashes in there XD
Anonymous said…
here's what i think:
RFDD - (Gerard) his Umbrella Academy: Dallas #3, comic con could be related

BLND - (Frank) - the mouse thing looks like an old cartoon right? and he has his babies now, so yeah kid related stuff. and i think someone said before it was a Frank Sinatra song playing.

WKIL - (new drummer like someone said on the other blog comments) of course the drums and a mysterious face and you know how the color changes it might be representing how theres gonna be change.

KLSK - (Ray i'm guessing?) - the colors and look of the spinning disk (forgot what it was called) remeinds me of that new RAY(!) Gun MCR shirt at hottopic.

HRBT - (Mikey, cause well yeah) - and also cause Mikey's kinda a nerd and who else would of thought of the morse code out of nowhere.
anomnyous said…
to the person above me :) : what i noticed is that ya'know that little light you see in the complete blank screen when you first get to the site, it follows through every channel except RFDD and HTBT. and since youre theory is RFDD and HTBT is Gee and Mikey, *in singsong voice* brothers! IDK thats probably useless

and seriously you guys need to look at the link 2shy2scream gave us and read the comments:

sorry, im getting all of these crazy therieos
Anonymous said…
Haha, you guys are freaking amazing! I'm making up a wall with all the clues, trying to get something together...
The guys are probably just like "HAHA, fools..."

Anonymous said…
hmm how about the Famous Last Words music vid, they were in a desert with FIRE! XD and that was like the "end" of it. and the ideas about the future would go with that maybe. and what if there was some connection with the patient and the demoliton lovers? yeah thats probably a dumb idea.

and since all of this future stuff and the "end" what if this is their last album guys? if it is im gonna be sad
Anonymous said…
my theory is thatthey will a announce that album is out 22nd of november. its the only dat thrown around to land on a monday ( an entertainment release day).
Anonymous said…
i find this pretty funny I mean IF MCR at the VMA's is true ;) the first paragraph is pretty sketchy for us MCR fans. something is going on: (from

"And of course, when it comes to the VMAs, expect the unexpected. Who knows what kind of award show memories the 2010 VMAs will chalk up? But if years past are any indication, the possibilities are endless. Who can forget just last year when Kanye West hijacked Taylor Swift's acceptance speech?!

So who will dominate with the most Moonmen at this year's show? Be sure to tune into the 2010 show to find out. And don't forget that while voting for most categories is now closed, you can still vote for Best New Artist, which will remain open into the show. Stay tuned for more details and be sure to take your front-row seat for the action, live, Sunday, September 12, at 9/8c. Don't miss out!"
Deathwish7 said…
Don't know if that's interesting but Lucinda (Steve,Righ's (MSI) wife) tweeted about Dr. Death Defying, she says we have to follow him, see:
MrsLovettsPie said…
To the person who mentioned 22 November, entertainment releases happen on Tuesdays so the closest would be the 23rd :)
Anonymous said…
when went on the page yesterday, the numbers where (left to right top to bottom) 18 16 22 00 00 04
today, they are 18 16 22 00 00 03
Anonymous said…
maybe WKIL is actually VVKIL? with 2 V's? if you zoom in, the "w" seems to take the space of 2 letters.
Hannah K. 1-2 said…
Have the channels gone blank for anyone else? Last night BRBT, KLSK, and BLND were all blank screens with no sound for me, it was around 1 am EST
Shalakaboomboom said…
I think its so cool you can hear drums and music behind the WKIL static. (:

Maybe soon the static will die down and you'll be able to hear all of it?
Anonymous said…
just to let you know, there are some other twitter accounts connected to these that have started posting some confusing things such as RyanReplicant, WeekendBowie, and AClockworkWay. i came across RyanReplicant after he posted a comment on one of the latest pictures posted. thanks for keeping us updated lon all of this!
I haven't really had time to sign on lately nor to sit down and type out my personal theories, but I'm glad you are all discussing this! I love seeing all the theories!

I just thought I'd post this one tidbit that I had thought of last night when I was trying to think of a pronoun for one of the accounts.

They have never mentioned their sexes.

I think everyone assumes Dr. D is male, Agent CC is female, News is... robot?

I get the distinct feeling from a tweet from last night that Agent Cherri Cola, however, could be a feminine male. Perhaps that Ladyboy?

We'll see in time!

Keep discussing. I wish I could respond to everyone!

I'll keep up with comments better when I get settled in from my move. I'm unpacking right now!

anomnyous said…
To Kiwiii:
yes that DID happen to me! XD i was thinking that my computer froze but then no it did go blank. i had to refresh the page twice to get it back to the normal ways, so thanks for saying that, now i know something WAS going on, maybe its some kind of hint? maybe not :)
Anonymous said…
have you guys ever thought 18:30 to be a year? im starting to think it might be little.

(these are all on Sept. months)
today is Mon. 6th and on the 1830calender its the same. and if you look on a 2015 calender the 6th would be on a Sunday (a day before). and on a 2017 calender the 6th is on a Wednesday (a day after).

would do you think about that guys? it could mean nothing but yeah i just wanted to point that out. i'm not smart enough to figure it out XD
anomnyous said…
okay i think im onto something again. XD

you know how on AgentcherrYcola (the Y one) tweets say: 1,283,637,894,00.00 via web, well if you add it all up (1,13,15, 000.0) it will equal to 31.

and if you add up Tommy Chow Mein's tweet about the low price of 27,697c! it will equal 31 too.

and also another thing about agentcherrYcola's tweets (the 1,283,637,894,00.00 via web thing) it's a decimal (note the 2 blanks at the end). in Geards Umbrella Academy the kids are named in decimals ex. 00.06. and he said the UA is linked to mcr in weird ways. o.0 and isn't that a way to name bullets (the decimal). and we know mcr's connection with guns and bullets. XD
anomnyous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
time zones...
Alainaa said…
to kinda tie two loose ends together, maybe the post for the actors was for this assumed VMA's appearance? I'm guessing a skit of sorts?
in any case I will probably not be moving from my tv all sunday :S
Elle said…
There's ANOTHER new background on the NewsAGoGo page. First it was "United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum" from the US Dept of Commerce (i think, it's blurry), and now it's some kind of graph with points mapped out. I'm gonna check to see if the points on the graph or the frequencies of the stations on the TV match up with the first bg image.
Anonymous said…
maybe I'm crazy, but it looks to me like there's a vague face in the upper right hand corner of the blank transmitter channel. not a human face, looks like either a skull or an alien. does anyone else see it?
Elle said…
Yeah, saw the face/skull almost right away, posted something about it in the AP article comments.
Anonymous said…
Newsagogo's new background image is the discone antenna chart.
totts said…
Regarding Anonymous's link to @NewsAGoGo's background. It may be good to note that the background is of an "umbrella" antenna apex. Also, the antenna is in the "3 o'clock position". Not sure if it actually means anything or has any relevancy to the whole conspiracy, but it definitely stood out to me.
I've just started playing along with them...

If you can't beat 'em...

Twitter: @PoisonAndFire
(Not to be mistaken for another mystery account.)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
anyone else notice that if you open the mcr page, and then open another, you'll see that the numbers don't match up on the two pages?
The_mourning said…
Is it just my computer or has the guy that was heating up and cooling down stopped changing colours and is stable? It's got to mean something right?
Unknown said…
Just your computer dear, he still changes and he's still flashing like he's trying to give us all epileptic seizures lol
Shalakaboomboom said…
The music on the WKIL channel is Welcome To The Black Parade?
Can anyone confirm this?
I hope not. I hate that song. O.o
DarkAngel said…
So far, based on the site and the Twitter accounts, I can see this.
The new album, possibly called "The Aftermath" based on a pic Gerard Uploaded, connected via the quote "look alive, sunshine" used by a twitter alias, will be Post Apocalyptic themed. I get this due to the possibly title, the references to "Hotspots" (As in residual radiation), also 6k bomb shells along with other things, and the radio/tv on the site playing static and also the song "Desert Song." There are hints at songs, such as music beneath the static, and also HRBT a.k.a. Heartbeat, hinted at by the images on-screen(A heartbeat monitor line). Also, I heard that the station that plays desert song, KLSK, may stand for classic. These are my thoughts, along with things I have heard from others.
Anonymous said…
The Website is back to normal
Damn said…
So much for our theories.
The site's back up. d:
MrsLovettsPie said…
It's back to mostly normal, but you CAN still reach the TV thing by clicking the 'Transmissions' tab at the top of the main page. So we can assume stuff is still gonna be happening :D
Anonymous said…
Yeah and what about the twitter accounts? They haven't been canceled or anything. :)
Anonymous said…
It's still the TV for me...

Just clear your cookies. It did the same thing to me at first. :]

Anonymous said…
Not positive about this... but I looked up the PTTP thing and a website called came up. All that is on the website is a banner that says "PTTP Nobody gives you power, you just take it."

I went under the properties and this website was made today and is still under construction.... perhaps a side site?

Here's a link:
Effinstein said…
Not positive about this... but I looked up the PTTP thing and a website called came up. All that is on the website is a banner that says "PTTP Nobody gives you power, you just take it."

I went under the properties and this website was made today and is still under construction.... perhaps a side site?

Here's a link:
Effinstein said…
Another thing I noticed... in this picture beneath the gun there is a sheet of what appears to be lyrics. I can only clearly make out one like that says: "wait for you all night ______ explodes"

Possibly new song lyrics? The gun is definitely related to all the other posts and tweets, so maybe the sheet is too. Here is the link:
Anonymous said…
is it possible that Tommy Chow Mein and AgentCherriCola are together? maybe Dr.D kidnapped her and Tommy's trying to sell him stuff (the tweets) so he can distract him and take Cherri back.

and also becasue Food and Drinks go together right?

Chow Mein and Cherri Cola X) i can't believe i didn't noticed that lol :)
MrsLovettsPie said…
"The thing women have yet to learn is this: Nobody gives you power. You just take it."

-Roseanne Barr
MrsLovettsPie said…
PTTP stands for Power To The People, a common slogan used by groups such as NOW (National Organization for Women), the IRA, the Black Panthers, and, perhaps especially, the KKK.
Anonymous said…
PTTP also refers to Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol, which sends power from a service provider to a device like a modem, telephone, or TV. It can also be used to describe the TYPE of device that the power is being provided to, in this case a 'television' like the one on the site. So the PTTP may just be an identifying feature, like a label or a brand name, put into the flash module to make the whole thing look a little more realistic.
discone_smith said…
PTTP is also an acronym for Power to the Peaceful.

on Ray's last picture
could refer to 111 ATE -an asteroid

or Automated test equipment

The mirror image of ATE would be
ETA estimated time of arrival
Anonymous said…
the new mcr album is out november 8th.

look on

Good news me feels
Anonymous said…
HMV doesn't even use correct grammar or spelling, guys. "Your" saving £8.00..."You're", anyone?

At this point we can't really trust anything not coming from the actual MyChem site, and they haven't released a date.
Anonymous said…
They mean 'Your saving: £8.00'

Also, you know how Dr. Death Defying was low on batteries? Maybe he ran out and then Agent Cherri Cola found him dead on the side of the road... Early Christmas?
Anonymous said…
111 ATE = ETA 111

Estimated Time of Arrival November 11 ? just a thought
Hi said…
Please Frank didn't even bother to tell us his kids names. All he did was sell us shit and tell us stuff we already know. I'm not getting my info off that site anymore. xD
Anonymous said…
Did you guys see this one? Just popped up....
Anonymous said…

Sorry ,forgot the link. My bad...
Could Zone 3 be Twitter? Since the message this morning about a "triple earthquake" in zone 3, and since all the mayhem started with the 3 strange twitter accounts... the mayhem could be the alarm clock that is waking up the fans...or the "robots dying"... I think they are using a lot of metaphorical language in their messages.. I've been doing some research and thinking over this.... "words are gasoline, motorbabies": are we, the fans, the motorbabies or robots, and their words are the gasoline that fuels us or brings us to life?? It makes sense to me! I'm looking at all the comments in this way and some sense is being made in my head... maybe? haha!
d_s said…
Dr. Death Defying: Here is a special request to kick off a certain zonerunners 30th time around the sun.

Happy Birthday Mikey Way. A few small orbital steps late.
Tinafax said…
20180114191309191909151419120919200514201523110912= Transmission on slisten to wkil
Danielle said…
THE BIG LONG NUMBER MEANS: TRANSMISSIONSLISTENTOWKIL ???? :o))) So proud for figuring this out :o)
Danielle said…
The station plays the national anthem..... then it sounds like a crowd/riot screaming... then you CAN DEF HEAR GERARD SINGING! I think they're teasing us with a new song... but is their new album political based? The national anthem? Hmm.. I'm going to keep checkin back, maybe the station will get a little more clear with time???

So Exciting!
Anonymous said…
i think something is gonna be happenin very seen... Newsagogo said said "brothas and sistas get the fuck up".. maybe this means somethings gonna happen within the next hour or so especially with a new character
Anonymous said…
hey is this gonna have anything to do with Hayley Williams from Paramore, because the tweet mentioned H-Bomb and that's on of her nicknames.

man i can't fucking wait for tomorrow!
MrsLovettsPie said…
New mystery twitter!!

@PartyPoison:575.*Okami-san grab the H-bomb- it's time to get LIVE. Give me blistas on my trigger-digits- give me too much MTV.

Looks like those theories about things going down at the MTV VMAs tomorrow could be right! Check your local listings, and obviously be sure to watch it LIVE so you don't miss the potential action!

*Okami is 'wolf' in Japanese, no idea of the relevancy there.
Yeh said…
It all points too it.
totts said…
Okay, follow me on this one because its a doozy of a theory. Regarding @PartyPoison's "MTV" tweet, there was a number: 575. I was thinking it could be 6:15pm (15mins after VMA's start in LA) or it was the LA area code. IT IS NOT A LOS ANGELES AREA CODE. It is however an area code for the majority of New Mexico. Since the tweet also said the word "LIVE" in all caps...maybe they are playing a surprise show from New Mexico tomorrow night during the VMA's. I only thought this because New Mexico has a shit ton of desert, and the boys have been posting a lot of pics from the desert over the past couple of days. Maybe they've been setting up the production? Who fucking knows. They premiered The Black Parade at the VMA's from atop a roof. So, the idea isn't totally out of left field. That's just what stood out to me. Watch me be totally fucking wrong.
totts said…
Also, its good to note that 575 is the area code of Roswell, new Mexico.
Anonymous said…
yeah i agree with totts, who knows they could be filming something in new mexico performing but showing it on mtv, then they come out and play live for real.

and another thing about the H-Bomb being Hayley Williams, paramore IS performing at the vma's!

oh, now my stomach feels sick, i hate you mcr! XD
Anonymous said…
oh forgot in new mexico filming in a DESERT lol
Anonymous said…
Alainaa said…
no video mission abstracts...vma's.
aw crap ):
I hope that's not true...
d_s said…
Gamer thinking FTW!
Snickers said…
Gerard said no vma's this year...
Anonymous said…
im just gonna throw this out there i think my chemical romance are on something, but what can you say when all the greats have done it at some point!
Anonymous said…
i just want the freaking album already...
Anonymous said…
it's all been a bit cryptic...but I love their twisted little minds!
J said…
I think all of this has been fucking annoying. After this long, pople don't want to play their stupid little games, I know I don't have the patience.
Just give me the album.
Anonymous said…
yeah, they could at least give us something, we're just running around with no progress...
i just want something...
d_s said…
Eeeek! The thing in the video.
It's the illegitimate love spawn of sonic hedge hog and deadmau5.
Anonymous said…
that creepy mouse video is now on the television screen thing on the transmissions on the website
Alana said…
does anyone else think this all seems a bit concept-ish?? I thought the new album was definitely not going to be a concept album?
there is a definite "post-apocalyptic" theme going on....
J said…

They had a "second-try" to making the album. I guess they're changing their minds.

My take on it is that the record label didn't like the first one because it wouldn't appeal mainstream enough, so they had to redo it.
But that's pretty far-fetched.
Miss M said…
I was thinking that possibly the reason that they had to start over was because of the split with Bob Bryar? It's a possibility, they did lose him at a time that would seem to me would be in the middle of the album creation.
Ryan said…
What I remember hearing was them saying the first try at the record was all just "spitting and screaming" and loud guitars. As if it was something they needed to get off their chest after being bored of the "same old, same old" that was the Black Parade - so they just rattled it off real quick. In the end they scrapped it and decided to sit down and write a record that challenged them more musically as songwriters. I think that was a blog post of Franks if I'm not mistaken. And he also said it would be cool if the first version came to light at some point.
Sarah said…
Sorry if this has already been posted but the song on the KLSK channel has changed. It's now Goodbye Horses, the creepy song from Silence of the Lambs.
J said…
Spitting and screaming? That would have been awesome!
I really miss the whole Bullets-Revenge vibe.
MrsLovettsPie said…

Scroll down to the post containing the Rolling Stone article. Wow. Any thoughts? Personally, I really do not believe Masked Man is Frank. Too tall, and his 'tattoos' are conveniently covered up. Hmmmm.
rayessez said…
Here is a direct link to the rolling stones article.
rayessez said…
Supposedly the name of the new album is to be,

Danger Days: True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

and to be released on Nov 22, 2010.

Effinstein said…
Pretty sure, due to the tweet, that Party Poison is the guy in the trailer that has the shirt that says "NOISE". The guy on the skates that is dressed kind of girly.
Miss M said…
The guy on the rollerskates with the shirt that says NOISE is the ladyboy. Whether he's got a name or not, not sure...
Yes, I believe the rollerskating guy is Party Poison.

When the video was posted, he was referred to as "ladyboy," though.

Definitely is whoever they cast as "ladyboy" a while back.

I think, at this point, I would be a bit horrified to see how many times I've watched the trailer. Ha-ha!

J said…
I think Gerard is party poison.
Didn't you see the jacket with the pill and the x?
To the person who posted a link to that blog. I am aware of it, and aware that it gets more than enough traffic as it is, which is why I decided to not post the comment.

That site is upsetting to fans who are celebrating an exciting time for the band right now.

Just ignore negative and unfounded things like that. They don't deserve a second glance. :]

Anonymous said…
TMGMK - The Mad Gear & Missile Kid.
omg-its-jade said…
That was a nice read. I didn't see most of the tweets after the trailer was posted, they got drowned out in all the buzz...but it's nice to see them all in one place.
Party Poison tweeted me once (@jadika). I'm curious as to why it isn't listed. Also, I would be humored to see NAGG's 16 random tweets, but I understand why you wouldn't post them.

I wonder about Cherri's full story. Even with the album out, there are unanswered questions.

Some of the Party Poison tweets were later erased. I know there was one in which he used the "c-word," which he later erased. Ha-ha!

I believe those 16 random tweets happened in the middle of the night. I had been waking up for a weeks at a time to update this whenever one of them would tweet, but I stopped that night. Perhaps I was ill.


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