Bill and Trav's Bogus Journey Tour [Part III]

A Word on Band-Crowd Interaction

Welcome to Bill and Trav's Bogus Journey Tourblog part the third. In this episode, I will discuss something I find very, VERY essential to a good band's performance and something which I witnessed at the show I attended on "Bill and Trav's Bogus Journey Tour" featuring The Academy Is... and We the Kings.

If you are in an aspiring band or even a prominent band, listen the hell up, because I -as a fan- have some advice for you. In my experience in the front rows of multitudes of crowds, nothing quite sends a jolt of excitement through me as when a band member points out the fans who are singing along ferociously-- when a band shows an active appreciation for its supporters. Now, it doesn't have to be me, but any fan. We all feel exstatic for that person, you can feel the surge in the crowd move in his or her direction, and feel our collective excitement grow when you acknowledge us.

For example, some of my fondest memories from shows have been those tiny, fleeting moments when I have made eye-contact with the members of bands during my favorite songs or have been pointed out or smiled at by band members, or more specific things like when Matt Skiba, singer and guitarist of Alkaline Trio dedicated a song to me when he noted I was one of the only living in a seemingly dead crowd and called me "[his] new friend." There was a time when Ryan, the singer of Greeley Estates jumped from the stage and stood in front of me at the barricade and held the mic between us as he held onto my shoulder and we both sang the song. Moments like that are what make these shows and make memories for the fans.

So, I would like to congratulate The Academy Is... and We the Kings on their excellence in crowd interaction at the show. First, good call on the part of the guitarist of We The Kings for going down to the barricade and interacting with fans when his guitar started malfunctioning instead of worrying too much about the guitar. From where I was standing beside the stage, I could see the entire crowd and the surges of people who rushed to where he stood at the barricade when he was there was an amazing thing to watch. Also, great job to Travis of We The Kings for spending time at the barricade. Nothing is better for fans than that up-close and personal experience. William Beckett, singer of The Academy Is... also treated the crowd to an intimate experience when he stood at the barricade and held the mic out to some of the fans toward the end of the set. Also, instead of going back onstage at the end of their set and exiting like normal, he walked the front row of the crowd, giving high fives all the way down the line until he reached the backstage door, but not before a girl jumped down and he took his picture with her. Also, he pointed out my friend and I a couple times, as well as acknowledge many rabidly singing-along fans in the audience.

So, band members this is what you should take away from this blog:
-interact with your fans. They like it. A lot.
-crowd interaction is what, I feel, sets a great band apart from a mediocre one.

We- fans and band members- are in this together, and want to feel involved when we come to shows. Involve us!

Keep an eye out for part IV-- my epiphany. Also, there are still pictures and videos to come!


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