My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To Mars, The Bravery, Silver Sun Pickups to play Sundance Film Festival show to celebrate Twitter? [NO! New Details]


Jan 16, 2010

I just received the following message from 140tc, which is to host the twitter conferences at "Tweet House":

Preparing post & email regarding this. Promoter who contracted bands/our space was unable to pay any obligated $. A mystery.

Original Post:

An article from Salt Lake Tribune announced musical events and music-based films that are to happen during the 2010 Sundance Film Festival, which spans Jan. 21st through the 31st and takes place in Park City, Utah.

At the bottom of the list of music events was this:

Tweet House » Bands 30 Seconds To Mars, The Bravery, Silver Sun Pickups and My Chemical Romance are to perform at the "Tweet House," Jan. 22-25, inside the Yoga Shop, near Main Street, 1167 Woodside Ave. The event is designed to celebrate Twitter's global influence. Find details at:

The event website describes the "Tweet House at Sundance" as "invite-only." According to The Daily Truffle the "3 day & 3 night event" will feature twitter technology conferences during the day and performances at night.

A more focused blog entry from the Salt Lake Tribune gives additional details and makes the event guestlist sound exclusive to stars and to the media elite.

None of the bands have the shows listed in the tour sections of their official websites.


About an hour ago, My Chemical Romance's official twitter offered fans the chance to be followed by them. For one hour, fans could request to be followed and would be followed back.

Could that performance be why the follow frenzy happened? A possible promotional move? That the two are linked is only my weak speculation. Do not take it as fact.

I will post more details as they come.



Daniel Doyle said…
Offering fans the "chance" to be followed is worthless. Either you're interacting or you're not.
WTF are you talking about D.Doylez? Did you miss the whole mysterious show part?

It's a label-run account, anyway.
Maaaaaaaaandy said…
ufff.. i really love this!! hope i live near there.. but no.. =( one question very ignorant.. where's utah?? =O sorry... i nave to ask...
Unknown said…
More info about what happened with the bands here:

We, (the organizers of the Tweet House) are still trying to get answers...

If there was supposed to be a link in your comment, it did not post.

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