Classic Live Review: Projekt Revolution 2007 | August 11, 2007 | Tampa, Florida

I was supposed to see another show on the Black Parade/ My Chemical Romance tour from my previous post, but it happened to be the Columbus show that ended up postponed for three days and eventually canceled after bands and crew-members on the tour got food-poisoning at a previous show.

Note: This review was written and originally posted near the time of the show. It has received only minor editing.


"Mama, we’re all gunna JUMP!"

After a 20-hour drive to Tampa and a couple days of doing things that amused my mother, my friend and I made ourselves at home in our new hotel, which was directly across from the Florida State Fairgrounds where the concert was to be held the next day.

August 11th, 2007- Projekt Revolution: Tampa, FL

The Wait

We got to the venue at about 6:30 a.m. after circling the perimeter of the fairgrounds to be positive that there was no other line. See, we had to do this, because the gate that let cars in had yet to open and there were about 6 people in line at that gate with three cars waiting behind them: a very suspicious-looking set-up.

Finally deciding that it would be safe to line up there, Emily and I got in line behind the other MCRmy kids (I apologize for being so anti-social; I was too nervous for words beyond two syllables that morning) and these other two girls who were really amusing. I tried to settle my nerves by eating an apple and sipping Gatorade. The apple proved very useful in calming my jumpy stomach, but nothing could calm the over-work of my heart. Everything was so uncertain and unorganized that I felt I would soon crack and panic-attack all over everyone's face. (Yes. I did just made panic-attack a verb that occurs upon one's face).

Finally, the first gate was opened, and I was sooo bummed that it hadn't been opened sooner, because -- by the time they let us in -- there were roughly 8 cars lined up, and, obviously, cars outrun humans. Thinking that we would still have a decent place in the second line of the day, my friend and I took our time getting there. Though I had desperately wanted to run, I couldn't leave Emily, who wasn't feeling well, to walk alone. So, we lost about 20 places in line as a result. GRRR! But, it isn't as if that mattered at all, because- within an hour or so- we had lost far more because of a misinforming security guard.

So, this security guard comes up to our relatively peaceful line and goes, "You guys know this isn't the line to get in, right?"

We logically knew that there would be another line once we got past the first of the barricades, but our minds processed this terribly-worded sentence in a panic. The guard continued after our gasping: "Yea, the line is way on up there *brandishes past the barricades*." So, what do we do naturally? We stand and rush forward, turning the line into a packed crowd. Great! That is JUST what one needs in 100 degree weather, a line that is more like human soup! I didn't mind it so much, but -- as I mentioned before -- Emily hadn't been feeling well, and the heat was really bothering her.

I'm unsure how it happened, but the crowd gradually started to inch its way in front of the barricade, and -- as a result -- police were called, security FREAKED OUT, and we had to stay in the crowd; not until time for the doors to open, but until time for the show to start. When they finally let us go, I grabbed Emily's wrist and sprinted like Hell, but we had to stop when we were a little over half-way to the second line.

We got in and went to the pit line, which was yet another crowd of people cutting.

Obediently, we sat on the curb to the side of the mass blob of beings [this proved to be an advantage later] where we were to wait for another 4 hours. Yay! At this point, we had been in the hot Florida sun for 6 or 7 hours, were sunburt because our sunscreen had literally melted and had become useless, and we were were losing sweat by the gallon.

I thought I would break down several times-not because of the heat, but because I had taken a 20 hour trip and waited since early morning to get a good spot in line and for what? Only to be cut by a ton of disrespectful, completely rude, inconsiderate people [pardon my repetition].

I wanted nothing more than front row for Gerard's "soberversary" show, and was pretty convinced that I wouldn't be getting it.

What made me even more bummed was a woman old enough to be my mother's yelling at me. She just walked up with two younger girls [Teenagers {"scare the livin' shit outta me"}], who were complaining that "OMG. *whines* I've been here for THREE whole hours. OMG," and I told her politely that the back of the line was *points Northwest* WAAAAYYY back there. She was like, "We've been standing here for a long time now *glares*" At that point I was so frustrated with cutters that I was like, "Seriously? Because I haven't seen you, and I have been waiting since 6:30 this morning." She was like, "You couldn't have been standing here since 6:30. They weren't even open at 6:30. So don't try to fucking tell me that you've been here." I just let out a sarcastic laugh, uttered, "Oh yea, you must know everything about what I've done. Right." and walked away, nearly on the verge of tears. It was just so sucky, because she was treating me as if I were an insect when I had simply pointed out her injustice. It was only made worse by the fact that she and the others with her were wearing MCR shirts, and completely throwing everything the band hopes for as far as fan unity and respect down the drain. I'm seriously getting sooo over the disrespect of fans at shows and in general, but that is for another time. (/endrant)

The Chaos, The Show

Finally, 4 o'clock rolled around, and the line was let into the pit. Emily was in the bathroom trying to cool down; so, I was at it alone.

A FIGHT broke out in the line, which worked to my advantage along with my not being in the massive blob of people who were lined up in the wrong direction. I held my ticket and banded-wrist in the air and squeezed through all of the last minute cutters. It was not an easy task at all, trust me. Before even entering the gate, I was thrust into the air and came down upon a barricade in a straddling position, which hurt like mad, but didn't stop me. I got my nod from security and went as quickly as I could through a first mob of people, then a second, then I was finally *BIGGEST SIGH EVER IN LIFE* in the pit. I did a split-second scan of the barricade, saw that there was space on Frank's side and BOOKED IT. I seriously doubt that I have ever run so quickly in my entire life- you have no idea. I mean, in order to stop myself I had to CRASH into the gate. I was soooo happy.

I'm sure I looked a complete fool because of my wide grin, but nothing would bring my spirits down so long as I was hugging that precious, perfect, wonderful, amazing barricade. So, it was set- that black bar was under my firmly-clutching arms and I was going nowhere surely as it would go nowhere.

Seriously, The Show...

Julien K
They were the first band to play. I can describe them only as TechnaRockSexMusic..Hair. They were very good live -- the sound was great and the singer's voice virtually flawless. I wouldn't say that they're my usual cup of tea, but they had me desiring to buy their CD at one point. Their song about strippers was rather amusing. Actually, it was very amusing. I guess after seeing MCR 9 times, one can't truly take any type of over-dramatic sex gesture quite as seriously as one may have before (Yes, I'm looking at you, Way the Junk-Grabber). The guy who stood in front of me onstage had very distractingly soft-looking hair. He alternated playing the keyboard and either bass or guitar; I can't remember, because I was so distracted by his strands of soft... softness. There's no other way to describe the man's hair than, "OMG-I-want-to-pet-him-like-now." No joke. All in all- as mentioned before- Julien K were pretty good live, enough to tide me over for a bit longer.

How to explain Placebo... Well, I'm madly in love with "Special K" and "Meds," but I wasn't quite as thrilled with their performance of them. There really just wasn't enough going on to satisfy my interests. This, I assume, is another complication of my being used to the performances of MCR. They spoil one's senses with amazing-ness so that every other band is dull in comparison. Do not get me wrong, they sounded very good (perhaps this was due to the singer's constant signaling to the sound people *wrinkles nose*), but there wasn't enough stage presence to excite me. There was a rather disturbing, nasty butt-dance, though. *wrinkles nose* It was horrifying and I shall take a break from my incessant typing to go scour my eyes now.

-Ah, that's better-

Great, finally a band from whom I know more than one song! This was my second time seeing H.I.M, and I was NOT impressed in the least bit. There was such a horrid lack of enthusiasm and such an attitude from Ville that I could literally feel the indifference floating from his cigarette smoke and into my being. Mige and Gas were way into it, but Ville seemed like he would rather be anywhere in the world than on that stage. It's understandable that he would be tired, but - seriously- he was beyond tired: he was ridiculous. And tired was, therefore, how I felt about their performance. Not tired because I exhausted myself in energetic sing-along (I made only feeble effort), but because their indifference seeped into me and made me beg for their end. To my remembrance, they did the following songs (not in order and not a complete list, mind you):

-"Wicked Game"
-"Under The Rose"
-"Soul on Fire"
-"Wings of a Butterfly"
-"Killing Loneliness"
-"Poison Girl" (I think)
-... and more that I can't remember.

I was almost as thrilled to be seeing them as to be seeing MCR! I absolutely love the band and had never been able to see them live before; so, this was my very first TBS experience, and it was absolutely PERFECT!! Before they came out, a fog machine let out a large cloud and a theatre marquee-esque banner was lifted into the air, that flashed "Taking Back Sunday" in old-fashioned Broadway-bulbs. Their set had a completely crimson backdrop, a theatre-like curtain and the drum set was WAAAAYYY high in the air on a curtain-covered platform. I can't remember in what order they did the songs or that much at all, because I was so completely caught up, but I know they did:

-"What's it Feel like to be a Ghost?"
-"Error Operator"
-"Set Phasers to Stun"
"A Decade Under the Influence"
-"This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know)"
-"Cute Without the 'e' (Cut From the Team)"
-"You're so Last Summer"

I completely owned all the songs, and Fred took a great notice. I was directly in front of him. He kept grinning down at me and pointing; so, I decided to sing all his parts when he came in, which was quite awkward since I had a couple girls behind me singing all Adam's parts. Taha! Ah, it was amazing! Rubano is ALL over the stage, completely hyperactive. Adam is an AMAZING performer, and a comedian.

At one point, one of the 'Rmy kids' boas made its way onstage. Adam snatched it, threw it around his neck and was like, "Ooooh, I'm gunna make Gerard jealous with this."

Fred pays very close attention to the audience and interacts with us a lot, and Ed, well.. Ed hides. *frowny face*. There was a replacement drummer, not TBS's actual one, because Mark hurt his back while on tour, which Adam explained in a very captivating and funny way. Adam said something about MCR making people feel things they've never felt before and pointed out a few guys in the audience. "Even you.. and you, Sir.. and maybe you, I dunno about you."

But, enough about any other band ever in life... The most important one of all came next

!!!!!!!!!MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!

Between MCR and TBS, I absolutely could not stop grinning and bouncing. I was singing along at the top of my lungs to all of the songs that came over the speakers during set-up, which I'm sure annoyed the hell out of the people on either side of me, but I didn't care. All of the day's heat and exhaustion had lead to pure energy and excitement... Funny how a "mere band" can do that to me... *smirk*

Before the boys (minus Mikey; plus Cortez) came out, purely instrumental theme music played, and fire shot sporadically from a row of flame-shooters set up on the back speakers beside Bob's drum platform. It was so rad! The boys came out and the first thing out of Gerard's mouth was, of course, an obscenity: "TAMPA, YOU ARE GETTING FUCKED TONIGHT!"

They went straight into "This is How I Disappear" which is among my favorite MCR songs, AND a highly energetic song at that, so I lost my fucking mind. I didn't care if I was completely crushed, and that it was over 100 degrees outside: I definitely was not going to stand the fuck still... at all.

I was so insane that, after the first song, the woman next to me was like, "Like I said, they don't HAVE TO bring you water, Sweetie." A likely reaction from someone who has never seen me at an MCR show. TAHA!

Next, they played "The Sharpest Lives," which was introduced by Gerard's saying something threatening and/or aggressive about dancing. I don't remember the order of the songs from that point or what exactly happened during each of them individually, but I do recall these things:

Memorable moments

-The "Casa De Lobos Crew" (Florida MCRmy) managed to get banners they made onstage. The first one Gerard showed off was one supporting Bob's solo project. He was like, "Check this out!" and held it in the air. Everyone went crazy. He thanked "the lovely ladies of the MCRmy" for all the banners, and ran across the stage with the longest one flying behind him for a while. At the end of their set, during "Cancer," he covered himself with one of them and said, "I'm goin' to bed now." It was way sad...
When he got the congratulatory banner for his 3rd "soberversary" he explained a little bit about how he was sober and said, "I'm not here to preach. I just wanna love on ya."
-BOB'S ROTATING DRUM SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gerard's talking without the mic when he was getting the banners and my hearing him. It was just an odd sensation. Taha!
-Gerard had "You Win" written on his neck.
-Frank fell over his monitor and rolled around for a long time, then came and sat right in front of me on the speaker. It was great!
-A VERY young, tiny girl came and stood next to me at the barricade and caught Frank's glow-stick. I don't think I've ever felt so happy for another person. Awww!
-I cried A LOT during "Famous Last Words." Yea, I suck. Whatever.
-"Thanks for coming out to Projekt Revolution 2001 *holds up three fingers*," - Gerard Ha-ha!
-Gerard's speaking in an eerie voice after "Mama". He said something like, "I don't even know what to say about that..." Then he hid in the shadows before re-appearing next to James, who was playing creeeeepppyyy music.
- During "Teenagers," Gerard's hopping across the stage like a chicken and saying, "Check me out, check me out."
-My favorite part of any MCR concert: "I wont go down by myself, but I'll go down with my friends." and the crowd's feeling of complete unity. My favorite feeling ever!!! It's amazing. Just... like perfect belonging and acceptance.
-They boys of the audience stripping during "You Know What They do to Guys Like us in Prison" and making crazy windmills with their shirts. Gerard: "I wanna show my mama how many boys I've gotten naked."
-Before "Mama" the hand-clapp and "Everybody in the whole plavce, whole place."
-During, "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" the Gerard-proclaimed "Mosh pit commander", an obvious asshole, got thrown out. Gerard: "You, the guy with the POW-MIA tattoos..." He totally didn't say P-O-W- M-I-A, he said pow, mee-uh. I thought he said "palomino" and cracked up. When the guy got kicked out Gerard was like, "No, I liked that guy. *snicker, snicker*"
- Gerard: "I can feel it in my stomach, kinda in my ass that this is the best crowd of tour."
- Gerard: "I'm feeling good. I'm feeling so good, I think I'm going to throw up."
- Frank's molesting Gerard to death. Poor dude.
- Gerard's running up to Worm and dancing ("krumping") all over him while Worm stood with his arms folded over his chest for a long time, then - eventually - did it back to Gerard. I almost pee'd myself from laughing so hard.
-James De-motherfucking-Wees!!! He came out before MCR ,and I screamed for him. People looked at me as if I were insane.. I guess I was. :]

I've read that this is the set in order:
-Sharpest Lives
-Not Okay
-Give 'em Hell, Kid

Another amazing show! Next stop: Projekt Revolution in Raleigh, North Carolina!

A review of headliner Linkin Park's performance is not included because I left after MCR played.

::Previous entries

2005 Taste of Chaos | Green Day & MCR | Warped Tour, Columbus | Warped Tour, Charlotte | 2005 Headlining tour, Columbus | 2005 Headlining Tour, Ypsilanti | Headlining tour, Atlanta | Headlining tour, Canada | The Black Parade tour 2007, Atlanta |

The reason behind this blog series



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