Gerard Way reveals more information about new My Chem release to NME

In today's feature from NME Magazine, Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance divulges some information fans didn't already know.

The writer of the article revealed the song we knew as "Trans Am" has been re-titled "Bullet Proof Heart," and is likely to be the first single from My Chemical Romance's upcoming album. In addition to the "Jenny" character in the song, there apparently is also a "Johnny," a runaway-type character that Gerard said is symbolic of what is often the point of starting a band.

"You get into a van to run away." Way said, "I didn't want to end up where I grew up, and that's not to speak ill of Jersey at all. I love New Jersey, but I didn't want to end up with a job I hated just floating through life. I wanted to escape. And so I definitely felt at times when we started in the band that there were forces, albeit in my head, that were conspiring against us to keep us in a basement, and you have to rebel against that."

In the article, Way comments on the times, saying that he feels current music seems to focus on the fact the people want to have fun and they want to forget what's going on around them.

"People just wanna fucking rock! Let's go out and escape! Let's go out and go on an adventure! I don't know that people want to make statements right now. I can't comment on anybody else's record, but I certainly feel something in the air, like, people just want the truth and they don't need a big story. And they also want to forget about the truth; they just want to let go and cut loose," Way said.

Way, who says the songs on My Chem's upcoming release could be played in stadiums, arenas or in small clubs maintains that the album's overall theme is of survival.

Of the line This ain't a room full of suicides from "Save Yourself(, I'll Hold them Back), Way says, "It's saying this is a room of survivors. And this record's about the truth and living and survival... It's about getting back to what we were which is a working-class rock band and embracing that while, at the same time, being larger than life."

Of the song "Light Behind your Eyes," a song Way has previously mentioned was inspired as a message to whom his daughter would become, he fights the image of victimization that has come to surround My Chem and their fans.

"I was writing about the victimization of the audience, and that to me was the best thing the band could possibly say at the moment, about not being a victim. I realized that if anything were to ever happen to me, I would want my daughter to know that her dad and his band weren't victims. And I don't think there was any real solid evidence of that up to now. It's about empowering the audience."

The NME article has an information box that give details about a few songs. Here's some solid info we didn't already know:

Lyrics from "Death Before Disco" (if you couldn't decipher them from the Roxy recordings):
This ain't a party/ Get off the dancefloor/ You wanna get down/ I want the gang war.

Lyrics from "Save Yourself" (in the article, the "I'll Hold them back" is left out of the title. Possible change):
This ain't a room full of suicides

"Black Dragon Fighting Society"
Apparently, Gerard repeats "This is a medical emergency!" in this song.

Conclusion: I predict many lyrical exclamation points and a return of dirty leather jackets.



The A.G.B said…
This needs to come out now.

I can barely handle the build-up any more.

I know, right?! I'm sure I just make the tension worse by posting every little detail leak. Ha-ha!

Maaaaaaaaandy said…
this boys are just playing with us!! why they don't say the date of release? i'm happy with the iformation, it completes all my expectation, i wanted ti Death Before DIsco for being the first single, but, is ok Bullet Proof Heart, i liked it too..

i think gee want us to explode before they say the release date, for us to buy it more quickly.. xD is just my oppinion.. I like your Blog Cassie, is really nice.
First: I love your blog! it has a lot of information
Second: I am studying social communication i dont know if you do but your work is very good!!
third: i dont speak English very well so I hope you can understand my crazy English ...

and last but not least: I want the new albun of my chemical romance!
i want a date! well I heard that a possible date was May 30 but not sure it's true... :s
Anonymous said…
i cant wait! and btw congrats to gerard on getting married and having a kid!! bandit is so lucky her parents are rock stars! and again I CANNOT WAIT TILL THE NEW ALBUM!!!

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