New MyChemicalRomance.Com Layout and Functions!

So, makeover part two just blew fans' minds to hell.

The new layout is arguably more navigable than the older version of the site and features new aesthetic features as well as new functioning features.

Some new attributes of the site include:

-A new photo section featuring pictures of the band in the studio on which fans can comment.

-Messaging between fans

-Larger avatars

-A member search feature

-New user information available (join date)

-Separate pages for users' profiles, blogs and friends

-Fan photo uploading on merch pages of the MCR online store

-A new background image featuring repeating "CHEMICAL ROMANCE" ("MY" actually isn't shown) in grainy, gray block letters against a black background.

-Red paint streak borders surrounding important titles and links

Yesterday, fans were whipped into a suspicion frenzy that something like this would happen when a blog post appeared announcing that the site would be down for maintenance.

The layout changed to allow fan membership and interaction this past July. Today, it has evolved!

Thanks, MCR's online team for working to make this awesome!


PS: If you spend over $50 at the My Chemical Romance online store now through the 30th, you get a free t-shirt!


Tony said…
My Chemical Romance: 1
Facebook: 0
This very well may become my primary social networking website. MWUAHA!

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