Alkaline Trio to Release album on Epitaph in February

In an article posted today on Spinner.Com, Alkaline Trio guitarist and co-vocalist Matt Skiba divulged details of the band's upcoming album to be released jointly on Epitaph and the band's own Heart & Skull label in February.

Skiba expressed excitement for the fans to hear the album and says that it will more resemble their earlier, more punk-fueled work than their previous few releases. Skiba said the 11-track album was written in a similar manner to their first album, Goddammit, the simple approach resulting in what Skiba described as "a record that we could easily play live."

Fans of the signature dark emotion of Alkaline Trio will not be disappointed; as, Skiba mentioned that the some of the songwriting on their upcoming release centered around very personal and tragic events in the band members' lives.

Song titles mentioned in the article were "Dorothy" and "The American Scream".

In addition to those songs, one can assume that the album will also include "Dine, Dine, My Darling" and "This Addiction," which the band premiered at Riotfest last month.



Unknown said…
About time they had another album!

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