My Chemical Romance Update Tomorrow!

Jeff Watson, webmaster and official Red Bull can collector for the band, has just announced that tomorrow, or -rather- later today, there will be an MCR announcement on their website. So, keep your eyes open for whatever surprise may be in store!

In other My Chemical Romance [dot] com news: check out the order page for the ¡Venganza! Vest / USB Bundle. There you will find a picture of yours truly nestled among the pictures of several other proud fans sporting our "bullet-proof" vests. The pictures have been featured on the band's Facebook, and are now posted to the ¡Venganza! page via imeem.

If you have a picture of yourself wearing your vest that you would like to submit, send it to for your chance to be featured!

Also, where you once could not find MCR's videos on youtube because of the WMG vs Youtube drama, you can now find them in the new, special video section of My Chem's page. Check out what Mikey Way, MCR bassist, had to say about the new section in his blog. Sadly, you will find none of the videos from I Brought you my Bullets... nor the older version of I'm Not Okay (I Promise) there, but there are eight excellent music videos that more than make up for the lost three!



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