My Chemical Romance invites fans to join Spotify. A New MCRmy Mission!

My Chemical Romance fans looking for a Spotify invite are in luck. A Spotify code request page has been added to MCR's official website. Those looking to start using the online streaming service who have not yet gotten an invite, need only enter their Email addresses to be sent one.

After fans have joined Spotify, they will be able to subscribe to the band's pre-show "Psych-up Mix" and more!

Fans, here's how we can help out MCR in return:

We can try to get My Chemical Romance into the Top 100 Spotify artists! Doing that is simple: we need only stream their music from Spotify...a lot! If we team together, perhaps we can make it work.

Just create a playlist on Spotify that includes a couple of the new MCR songs ("Bulletproof Heart" and "The Kids From Yesterday," for example), and play it on repeat. You can turn down the volume and keep it going at all times. Just, you know, remember to turn off Scrobbling if you're using it.

You can subscribe to my "MCRmy Takeover" playlist if you want to join the mission! Just press "play" and set it to repeat!

So that we're all doing it at the same time, do that especially starting Monday, August 22.



crazyluv4mcr said…
and if you just like listening to all the albums and bsides back to back, you can subscribe to my playlist? I hope someone does! LOL My Chem All The Time

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