My Chemical Romance iTunes Celebrity Podcast to Launch
UPDATE: January 18 @ 2:48
MCR's Celebrity Playlist Podcast is now available on iTunes.
According to a blog post on My Chemical Romance's website, iTunes will launch a My Chemical Romance "Celebrity Podcast" this Tuesday, January 18.
The podcast will feature the members of MCR's discussing their favorite music, including Glasvegas, Blur and The Chemical Brothers.
Accompanying the launch of the podcast will be a limited-time sale on Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys on the U.S. iTunes store.
MCR's Celebrity Playlist Podcast is now available on iTunes.

The podcast will feature the members of MCR's discussing their favorite music, including Glasvegas, Blur and The Chemical Brothers.
Accompanying the launch of the podcast will be a limited-time sale on Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys on the U.S. iTunes store.