Album Review: The Get Up Kids - 'There Are Rules'

NOTE: Sorry this is so late. There were some difficulties getting it up on ACRN; so, I couldn't post it as early as I would have liked.

The Get Up Kids

There Are Rules
Quality Hill Records
January 25, 2011


1. Tithe
2. Regent's Court
3. Shatter Your Lungs
4. Automatic
5. Pararelevant
6. Rally 'Round the Fool
7. Better Lie
8. Keith Case
9. The Widow Paris
10. Birmingham
11. When It Dies
12. Rememorable

Even if just for nostalgia's sake, The Get Up Kids' There Are Rules is sure to be blasting from many stereos that welcome the changes seven years without a new album can make.

Read my full review on


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