I'm crying so much right now. Pathetic I know but THEY'RE BACK!!! They all look awesome, their hair rocks and the music and the aesthetic....I'm in love!
I cried the first, like, 5 times and just grinned like a damn fool. *hugs*!!! I went into a frenzy, couldn't stop pacing. It's just sosososososo wonderful! My excitement is just-- it's through the roof! Ha-ha!
Don't worry. I haven't stopped watching it since it was posted. So, you're not the only one! Ha-ha!
I'm trying to figure out the non NaNaNa lyrics from the trailer.
So far I've got:
From our security To SOMETHING the enemy We're on your property Standing in - SOMETHING SOMETHING
SOMETHING Bullet SOMETHING Just like a sleeper cell I'd rather go to hell - than be in a purgatory Cut my hair Gag and bore me Pull this pin And let this world explode
Anon- No problem. The first time I saw it, I laughed hysterically. My grandma just watched the trailer and was on the phone with me. She said, "Now, whose cute little but is that?"
XoXo c.
Anonymous said…
i woke up at like 4 in the morning to watch this again lol, i was having a bad day yesterday and this vid just gave me like a feeling of hope ya know haha :) and little fro girl FTW! :D
i litterally ran around and started dancing!
For my Security To every enemy We're on their property Standing in a V formation Drop like a bullet shell Just like a sleeper cell Id rather go to hell Then be in a purgatory Cut my hair Gag and bore me Pull this pin Let this world Explode
Shortly after the cryptic change of My Chemical Romance's website, a strange Twitter account called "Dr. Death Defying" appeared. It was followed by only NewsAGoGo and a friend of the band when it reached out mysteriously to one fan, who tipped everyone off. It was later followed (then subsequently unfollowed) by both Ray Toro and Frank Iero. Things got weird. Here's how it's going down so far... September 3, 2010 Dr. Death Defying : Look alive sunshine. Shits all fucked up in the zones. Dr. Death Defying : Words are gasoline, motorbabies Dr. Death Defying : @thankthevenom Look alive... Dr. Death Defying : @thesnackfairy There are more pills produced in Battery City than grains of sand in Zone 4. -- NewsAGoGo : complete blackout. generators on stand-by. noise outside. screaming. static. sounds like...like, robots dying... -- Dr. Death Defying : @thatkkbitch Answer: Popping nitros near Wolfblood Beach will break more than your heart, it'll ...
Thanks to amazing donations from readers and MASScanvas , I am so thrilled to be able to start off 2012 with a contest for my fellow My Chemical Romance fans! --- Pictured left are the prizes : FIRST PLACE: A full set of My Chemical Romance action figures SECOND PLACE: A MASScanvas t-shirt [ better picture ] signed by all four members of MCR. THIRD PLACE: A MASScanvas "Reflection" t-shirt (Note: not signed.) --- How to win : I know that for many of us, MCR's songs evoke a certain feeling or conjure imagery that flashes before us when we close our eyes while listening to the music. Choose an MCR song ( Not a cover, please ) for which the imagery in your head or for which your feelings are strongest, and describe what you see and feel when you listen to it in a comment below of 200 words or less (please adhere to the word limit!). *Note: I mean ANY form of writing. This could be a poem, a narrative, a small essay, anything--as long as it is within the word limi...
When My Chemical Romance reunited on Halloween 2019, I was sitting in front of this familiar old friend—my blog's composition box. Having had a very slight tip-off before the reveal began to unroll, my first instinct was to run here and to prepare to tell everyone the great news. But, eventually, I navigated away. I've been contemplating why I did it the past couple days, and I've come to the conclusion that it was because I wanted to live it this time, rather than race to record it immediately. My heart was racing like old times, my extremities were numb, I was tapping my foot restlessly and absolutely ignoring everything I ever learned about mindful breathing. Pure adrenaline. I was running on solely that, having not eaten nor drank since the night before. (I would go on not to eat or sleep for another day, but more on that later.) It physically hurt. But it was amazing, because what we'd all hoped for for the past six years was actually about to happen. And...
I've watched it like 29 times in an hour. I am literally beside myself.
I cried the first, like, 5 times and just grinned like a damn fool. *hugs*!!! I went into a frenzy, couldn't stop pacing. It's just sosososososo wonderful! My excitement is just-- it's through the roof! Ha-ha!
Don't worry. I haven't stopped watching it since it was posted. So, you're not the only one! Ha-ha!
So far I've got:
From our security
To SOMETHING the enemy
We're on your property
Just like a sleeper cell
I'd rather go to hell - than be in a purgatory
Cut my hair
Gag and bore me
Pull this pin
And let this world explode
i want colored rayguns now!
I'm still trying to figure out the little bits and pieces, but the one part is definitely "Standing in a V-formation." :]
Oh, me too! I'm going to the costume store today to see if they have Rayguns, no joke!
Someone made a hilarious .gif of that shot. Ha-ha!
Now THAT is dedication! Amazing!
No problem. The first time I saw it, I laughed hysterically. My grandma just watched the trailer and was on the phone with me. She said, "Now, whose cute little but is that?"
i litterally ran around and started dancing!
For my Security
To every enemy
We're on their property
Standing in a V formation
Drop like a bullet shell
Just like a sleeper cell
Id rather go to hell
Then be in a purgatory
Cut my hair
Gag and bore me
Pull this pin Let this world Explode