My Chemical Romance Premier OFFICIAL Album Trailer for

Look alive, sunshine. They're baaack, "louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny!"



Sarah said…
I'm crying so much right now. Pathetic I know but THEY'RE BACK!!! They all look awesome, their hair rocks and the music and the aesthetic....I'm in love!
The A.G.B said…
This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Ever.

I've watched it like 29 times in an hour. I am literally beside myself.

I cried the first, like, 5 times and just grinned like a damn fool. *hugs*!!! I went into a frenzy, couldn't stop pacing. It's just sosososososo wonderful! My excitement is just-- it's through the roof! Ha-ha!


Don't worry. I haven't stopped watching it since it was posted. So, you're not the only one! Ha-ha!
The A.G.B said…
I'm trying to figure out the non NaNaNa lyrics from the trailer.

So far I've got:

From our security
To SOMETHING the enemy
We're on your property

Just like a sleeper cell
I'd rather go to hell - than be in a purgatory
Cut my hair
Gag and bore me
Pull this pin
And let this world explode
ching said…
i am as excited as ever.
i want colored rayguns now!
Anonymous said…
Nice ass shots in the video. I love rollerboi's old fashioned skates.
I'm still trying to figure out the little bits and pieces, but the one part is definitely "Standing in a V-formation." :]

Oh, me too! I'm going to the costume store today to see if they have Rayguns, no joke!

Someone made a hilarious .gif of that shot. Ha-ha!

Sarah said…
I just got a Party Poison tattoo, I love the video so much! I love that gif. too!!!
Anonymous said…
LOL!! That gif just made my day. Thanks C. and whoever made it!
Now THAT is dedication! Amazing!

No problem. The first time I saw it, I laughed hysterically. My grandma just watched the trailer and was on the phone with me. She said, "Now, whose cute little but is that?"


Anonymous said…
i woke up at like 4 in the morning to watch this again lol, i was having a bad day yesterday and this vid just gave me like a feeling of hope ya know haha :) and little fro girl FTW! :D

i litterally ran around and started dancing!

For my Security
To every enemy
We're on their property
Standing in a V formation
Drop like a bullet shell
Just like a sleeper cell
Id rather go to hell
Then be in a purgatory
Cut my hair
Gag and bore me
Pull this pin Let this world Explode

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