A Brief Word on My Blog and Premature MCR Information at this Juncture

I just wanted to take time to address this before I resume reporting as usual.

I am aware of several of the exciting happenings that have taken place in the My Chemical Romance world recently, but it is my personal choice, at this point, to not release unofficial information via this blog.

Lately, leakage has mingled with news and lines have been blurred. It's a bit hard to see what is fact, fiction, speculation or intentional information-spreading.

I unintentionally found out some things in a less-than-thrilling way recently when I would have preferred to have heard them through an exciting and information-rich official post from the band or the label.

Yes, Information is information any way you distribute it; however, in a writing world where "FIRST!," despite quality, often becomes "BEST!," I'm trying to sit back and enjoy all of this as it comes slowly. That, again, is my personal choice.

To avoid giving another waiting fan a thrill-killing experience like mine, I'm avoiding half-secrets and shushing where it isn't my place to tell them.

I will continue to post information that comes from publications with direct sources, from the band's official site and from reliable web sources per my discretion.

I just want to savor the anticipation jitters! Things are going to start falling together soon and this post will be ancient history, but I've gotten a lot of inquiries; so, I wanted to put this out there once and for all.

So, if you're among the ranks who want to wait for official postings, you can consider my blog a safezone. For those of you who aren't, very happy hunting; there's a lot to be found out there right now-- just not here. :]

"But look alive, keep your ears to the ground and your eyes bloodshot and open...there are signs everywhere and it will all make sense to you soon. Keep checking back for the shit to hit the fan."

-Frank Iero



Anonymous said…
You high school kids are so cute. lol

I'm a junior in college. Ha-ha!
Anonymous said…
I'm being patient about this, and waiting until the guys, label, or Jeff decides to post info. about the album. :)
I would like to say how much I appreciate you only releasing information that is official. Something I always valued at the MCRmy website is that I knew when I heard it there, I could trust it (at least in the beginning, I am not sure how it was in the end). Now that that resource is no longer available it is nice to have a reliable place to get my My Chem news. Your blog and the My Chemical Romance website are now the only two places I go for such information and I see no reason for that to change, since all my MCR news needs are met between the two of you.

Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop without giving us the run-around. keep up the great work!

Anonymous said…
You Jr. College young adults are so cute. ;)

Whatchoo studying? Don't answer. Get to class.

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