The Perks of Being an MCRmy Soldier (And A "Thank You")

In a recent blog highlighting my first year of college, I mentioned briefly that I had won a contest for promoting MCR, but had yet to receive my prize. Well, no more! Yesterday my prize came: two large, heavenly boxes sat glowing on my porch... Okay, that's an exaggeration. They were normal boxes, and to further disprove my earlier description, were actually soggy from the rain-- not at all glowing. Anyway, the contents of this box and my prize for promoting my face off were:

- A poster of a 2006 Alternative Press cover
- Life-sized versions of "The Black Parade" promo posters, each signed by the the shown member.
- Two wicked-awesome MCR stencils, which have me dying to go out and buy spray paint

Ah, the countless joys of being a part of My Chemical Romance's street-team, The MCRmy. Having recently celebrated my 3rd "'Rmyversary," I could not be more proud to be an MCRmy "soldier." I have met some of the most wonderful people through the MCRmy, and have gotten to experience so much by street-teaming. Through promoting, I have been able to overcome much of my social-anxiety. Spreading the word about my favorite band was sometimes the only reason I would leave my house or dorm. So, the whole of the MCRmy, TheStreetNetwork/WBR, and MCR - of course, are owed a giant "Thank you" from me.

Speaking of thank-yous:

I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has started following my blog recently. It's a bit shocking that I have gained so many followers considering how slow my blog has been through these past months. I would like to thank you all, because knowing I have an audience to impress makes me want to step up my game. If you haven't left a comment or simply said "hi," please do so! I would like to "meet" you all!



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