One of the Many Reasons (Frank Iero)...

...why I love My Chemical Romance. The video for which I will later provide a link was taken at Projekt Revolution in Tampa, Florida on August 11th, 2007, which I attended, and which also happened to be singer Gerard Way's 3rd "soberversary," as we in the MCRmy like to call it.

This video was taken by Youtube user Musicislife428, and though I do not know exactly who that person is, I know she had to have been standing very near me for this footage to have been shot. This is rhythm guitarist, Frank Iero at the end of "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" doing what I feel is one of his most admirable and common actions- being one of us kids. I was right in front of him when this happened, and I think you can see my hand a little bit in the background of the video. Anyway, watch:

"Projekt Revolution 8/11 MCR Im Not Okay..Frank is Awesome"

Frankie's birthday is coming up in two weeks- this Hallowe'en. So, this is my early birthday tribute to his amazing-ness. I think there will be more to come.



The A.G.B said…
So YOU'RE the one who is always wearing MCR shirts in J101, I have been meaning to compliment you on your excellent taste forever!
So YOU'RE the one who is always wearing MCR shirts in J101, I have been meaning to compliment you on your excellent taste forever!
Awesome, dude! Next time you see me in person say "Hi," for sure! It's funny that you noticed my over-abundance of MCR merchandise. I purposefully wore different MCR shirts for the first 29 days of school, and no one really took note. Ha-ha!

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