
Hey, guys--

Most of you have probably heard about audio-scrobbling, and, but for those of you who haven't, here's the deal:
Last.Fm is a website that can document what music a person is listening to using audioscrobbler technology and compile it so that users can see how musically compatible they are with others when visiting their profiles on the site. As the user listens more, the site begins suggesting artists that are similar to the listener's preferences in music as well as events the user should attend locally and even with whom the person should be friends. You can also make nifty widgets such as this listening quilt from my profile:

Neat, right? So why not start scrobbling now?

Well, you may get picked on for the music you listen to, and I know you all have guilty pleasures... But, who cares? Forget guilty , be proud of what makes you happy! Now, friends, go forth and scrobble!!



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