My Chemical Romance's Frank Iero reveals 'Conventional Weapons' project

UPDATE: September 14, 2012 @ 12:00 p.m. EST 
The info in my original post (below) was posted a BIT early; so, I had removed it...until now.

My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero has posted an official blog entry explaining the band's upcoming Conventional Weapons project and the story behind the band's Pre-Danger Days "scrapped" album

The project will include a series of releases, I'm assuming at least in part on 7" vinyl by the store listing from yesterday (below), of never-before-heard MCR songs from the band's 2008-2009 "scrapped album." There will be 5 releases, starting in October, each with 2 never-before-heard songs.

Iero said of the project:
"Recently we had a band meeting, we ended up talking about the past, and together we listened to those songs we created almost 4 years ago. We discussed the the way those songs made us feel, how they led us to where we are now and what the fate of those songs should be. How can we fully move on if we continue to hide the past? Together we decided that this chapter in My Chemical Romance's history no longer needed to be locked away.

So beginning in October we will be releasing 2 songs a month for 5 months. 10 songs in total from the Conventional Weapons sessions we did back in 2009. We hope you enjoy these time capsules, and that they may shed a little more light on how and where Danger Days came from, and maybe even where the future of MCR might be heading. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...and now it is finally time to lift the veil on Conventional Weapons."

More information about Conventional Weapons, including pre-order details and a tracklisting, will be released next week

For an idea of which tracks may be released through this project, check out my old post compiling titles from the scrapped album era!

Original Post: September 13, 2012 @ 4:01 p.m. EST
A 7" vinyl titled Conventional Weapons Number Four has been added to the My Chemical Romance online store.

The vinyl is set for release January 8, 2013, and you can pre-order it now

As some of you will remember, in April, 2010, the tentative album title Gerard gave Nylon Guys for what would become the scrapped album was: Conventional Weapons: We're No Match For Them

Perhaps a couple scrapped songs?  What do you guys think?

I will update this as more information comes.



Onyx said…
They later revealed that the scrapped album was titled Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back. I forgot which magazine this was in but I am 100% sure.
Onyx said…
I found it! I have a scan and the exact quote here:
melinbelfast333 said…
Only 4 more months til we find out! I just ordered mine lol

Yeah, I knew it eventually ended up turning into that. :} Thanks for the extra info!

Unknown said…
The link doesn't seem to be working anymore, now , when I click on it takes me to the mcr store and says page not found

The pre-order link was deactivated yesterday. It was only up for a short amount of time.
Unknown said…
But will it come back with the preorder details frank was talking about?

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