August 8, 2012: My Chemical Romance Tidbits

Between my digging up arrest reports and generally writing news for Alternative Press today, I noticed quite a few My Chemical Romance happenings.

Because of MCRupdate's the recent announcement that she would no longer be updating, I figured I would try to post a little more more here to attempt to make up for the loss.

Of course, I'll never be able to keep up at the magnitude she did, but little things that I would normally just tweet then move on, I'll try to compile into an occasional digest so they'll be less likely to be missed.

August 8, 2012

Bullet Cable posted a second video interview from MCR guitar tech "Punk Rock Dave" talking about equipment.

The awesome thing about this video: It was shot inside what Bullet Cable calls "MCR's secret studio," supposedly that studio the band mentioned they were building in Los Angeles many months ago.

Watch the new interview below and the first in the series here.

You can see more of the studio in the pictures MCRupdates compiled that were originally posted by engineer Doug McKean (a little more about McKean.)
On August 1, Epiphone posted about the limited edition, green version of Frank Iero's Wilshire Phant-o-Matic guitar (pictured left.) I just saw this today and thought it was worth noting!


Killjoys Comic!

At 6:30 p.m. EST, Agent Cherri Cola tweeted...twice.
Agent Cherri Cola isn't the only one who has been tweeting about the Killjoys comic lately. Illustrator Becky Cloonan and co-writer Shaun Simon recently had the following exchange on Twitter:



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