In Case You Missed Them: Recent My Chemical Romance Video Interviews

My Chemical Romance have been doing many video interviews lately. A majority of them tend to cover topics I have already posted about here; so, I have not been posting them all individually. Here are some of the interviews the band has done recently to help you get caught up!

Interviews found mostly from my personal bookmarks, but also thanks to:
My Chemical Freak | You're Not In This Alone | Drinking Souls | @MCR_FANS -- for helping jog my memory!

Often, I post links to such interviews on Twitter. You can follow me at: @PoisonAndFire or @MyChemChat to keep immediately updated on these smaller things!

(Note: The 101.9 RXP interview immediately below plays automatically; so, if you hear voices and haven't pressed any buttons yet, that's why!)


Source: 101.9 RXP
Date: Early December
Summary: 3-part interview. My Chemical Romance returns to their East Coast home turf to discuss what's going on in the band, how it feels to be home and see their families, the 2019 world in which Danger Days... exists, the possibility of the video Trans-Am going on tour with them, Twilight and their song "Vampire Money," Frances Bean Cobain and their California 2019 boxset.


Source: Warner Music Group Germany
Date: Series Spanning November
Summary: My Chemical Romance discusses Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys track-by-track.
Part One:

Part Two | Part Three? | Part Four | Part Five


Source: Absolute Radio
Date: November 9
Summary: Gerard and Mikey Way discuss the way misguided media coverage of The Black Parade affected their fanbase, being "the most dangerous band in the world," destroying rock, finding themselves during the making of Danger Days... and the ever-dreaded "emo" tag.


Source: TasteiTTV
Date: November 12
Summary: Brigitte from TasteiTTV tries to delve deeper into the mind of Gerard Way, discussing finding and feeling one deserves happiness, growing up and coming full-circle to re-embrace art, not feeling like a "role-model" and the way MCR inspires people and getting fans involved in the band's art.


Source: Musique Mag
Date: November 18
Summary: A fun, this-or-that Q&A session with Gerard and Mikey Way.


Source: Ultimate Guitar
Date: November 22
Summary: MCR discusses what made them made them move away from their first attempt at the album, the way "Na Na Na..." turned things around, the diverseness of songs' sound and how they are connected in spirit, how the Killjoys characters are really moreso the real band members than alternate personas, experimenting with instruments and ways of playing, Mikey's bass-playing style and their overall creative process.
Article and Video here

Source: KROQ: Kevin & Bean
Date: November 22
Summary: 3-part interview. A more laugh-filled interview. MCR discusses their scrapped album, what made them scrap it and what followed it. They also discuss previous appearances on Kevin & Bean and how they got banned from Orange, California and Russia. In the final part, the band goes through several tracks and tells the hosts more about them.

Accompanying article and two more video sections.


Source: ArtistDirect
Date: November 22
Summary: MCR discusses The Who's influence, Danger Days... lyrics, who they would choose to direct a movie about them and freedom as a theme of their album.
Video and article here.


Source: SPIN
Date: November 23
Summary: Fan questions and behind-the-scenes footage of My Chemical Romance's cover shoot for SPIN Magazine's December issue.
Video and article


Source: Big Cheese Magazine
Date: November 23
Summary: Mikey Way and Frank Iero list their favorite films.


Source: FaceCulture
Date: November 29
Summary: 4-part interview with Ray Toro. Toro discusses the first C.D. he ever bought, his short attention-span with comic books, how he met Gerard and Mikey, his pre-MCR bands, the overwhelming Black Parade tour and the band's break that followed, the limits the band placed on the album they scrapped and how "Na Na Na..." changed their direction.
Part One

Part Two | Part Three | Part Four


Source: Kerrang!
Date: Late November
Summary: Frank Iero and Ray Toro answer fan questions and explain that they think fans should give themselves more credit for saving their own lives rather than attributing it all to My Chemical Romance. Musical influences, Mike Pedicone, advice for beginning bands, career highlights, playing for an NFL game at Wembley. Gerard and Mikey Way: Gerard's fascination with JFK, musicians who influence them, rarest comic in their collections
Part One:

Part Two


Source: Shockhound
Date: Late November
Summary: The story behind Danger Days... intermixed with clips of Dr. Death Defying's album Transmission. The band also discusses their homestate of New Jersey compared to California.


Source: NME T.V.
Date: Late November
Summary: 3-video series. My Chemical Romance discuss the names of their rayguns and how they became their Killjoy character names, the significance of their Trans-Am in relation to Danger Days..., rewriting the album, having fun with it and expanding their record artistically.

Part Two | Part Three


Source: MTV Push Artist of the Week Series
Date: Late November/ Early December
Summary: Answering fan questions about the band's favorite song, which was the hardest to write, Killjoy names, the possibility of a Danger Days television-show and the point of the Transmissions.

More PUSH Artist videos here, including live performances and behind-the-scenes of "SING." More MTV News videos can be found on their My Chemical Romance's MTV artist page.


Source: All The Rage TV
Date: December 2
Summary: Ray Toro and Frank Iero discuss the "walls" the band "put up" for their first attempt at the album and how Rob Cavallo and "Na Na Na..." changed their direction. Iero discusses the "setting and characters" of the album but explains how it is not a concept album. He also discusses their "Desolation Row" cover and the Watchmen film. They discuss their best memories and milestones, their pre-show rituals and strange things thrown onstage. Intermixed with music video and performance clips.

My Chemical Romance interview (All The Rage Tv) from ATRTV on Vimeo.


Source: Fox All Access
Date: December 2
Summary: Fox All Access talks to My Chemical Romance for the first time. MCR discusses rebelling not against themselves but against their first attempt at the new album and not playing characters.

Accompanying article


Source: Yahoo! Music
Date: December 2
Summary: MCR discusses what took them so long to record the new album, what made them want to make a "safe" album before Danger Days..., the celebratory nature of their new album, misrepresentations of The Black Parade, expanding the hope from their previous albums, the "high concept" and title of Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, what a movie to accompany the album would be like and their fan's reaction to their comeback after so many years.


Date: December 2
Summary: My Chemical Romance answer fan questions from Twitter. Was streamed live on December 2. Better Living Industries, advice to get through high school and advice for fans starting a band.
Part One:

Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five


Source: The BBC's 5:19 Show
Date: December 3
Summary: Discussing the meaning of "Na Na Na...," the influence of comic books, and what the hell a "gupaline" is.


Source: The Voice (Finland)
Date: December 6
Summary: Gerard and Frank talk about their World Contamination Tour in Europe, becoming better through their music, ways they can show the fans their Killjoys costumes and enhance the visuals when they tour without playing characters, the many layers of Danger Days... and the fact that the Killjoys comic is very different from the album and that the characters in it are not the band members.
Interview here.


Source: AOL Music
Date: December 8
Summary: Gerard, Mikey and Ray discuss the notion of a "high concept," being true to themselves and not needing characters, what they feel when they listen to their album, the idea of an MCR movie and being driven by art.

Accompanying article from




Anonymous said…
Thank you SO MUCH! I've been looking for interviews but I always get confused and can barely find any :S But now i can finally see them all :D You are AWSOME Cassie!

No problem! There may be a couple that I missed when I posted this, so keep your eyes open!

I'm glad to help!

Girl Automatic said…
To you, I most certainly tip my hat for compiling this! There's stuff here I haven't even seen or heard of yet. Dare say you work much harder at keeping the masses informed than I do! And it is always much appreciated.

Oh, silly you, I think you often kick your ass more than I. Ha-ha!

Thanks for reading, and I'm glad I could show you something you hadn't seen!


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