My Chemical Romance: Cryptic Album Hints

The image to the left, to the untrained eye, may appear to be nothing more than a cut-off scribbling on a dry erase board, but - to My Chemical Romance fans- it has far more significance.

My Chemical Romance bassist Mikey Way has been continuing a series on the MCR blog called "practice cam," and this is the latest picture he has posted and encouraged MCR fans to "decode."

Can't decode it? Well, I have my theory. On their most recent tour, My Chemical Romance played a beautiful, new ballad that fans have been calling "The World is Ugly". Now, look at that picture again. Does it make more sense?

I think a certain Mr. Way is giving us track-hints. Check out their website to see more similar pictures that appear to be track-listings. These include words and phrases such as: Tokyo Death, Monster Jam, Drug, Pretty, Gun, Teenage Girl, City Lights, Trans-Am, and Still Alive. Some working titles perhaps? Maybe even final song titles?

Here's a great live recording of "The World is Ugly" from youtube user elle10one

Are we getting closer to knowing what the next My Chem release may sound like? Perhaps. Check out my other recent entry on the upcoming My Chemical Romance album for more of these hints.



Gianna said…
You're really pretty! I love the banner, and the picture where you're wearing the bandit bandana (no pun intended LOL) it makes you look just like Lindsey! And I'm so fuckin' excited for the new album!

*bookmarks this page*
Thank you so much for reading, Gianna and for your sweet words! :'}

Haley X said…
I love your blog lol.
:} Thank you so much, Haley X!

Pepa Punk said…
Awww,we love mcr too, :)
:D! I'll have to check out your blog!


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