Dear Bob Bryar: In Honor of Dixie

"I don't even know what happened to my best friend and miss her more than anything in the world," Bryar tells PEOPLE. "The devastation I feel is beyond words."
Source: People[dot]com
According to People[dot]com, My Chemical Romance drummer Bob Bryar recently received a devastating shock when, a week after sending his German Shepard mix companion to a trainer, he received her cremated remains without a clear explanation for the dog's death. The drummer is filing a lawsuit against the trainer, who has changed the story of Dixie's death multiple times and who acted without Bryar's permission to cremate her.
My Chemical Romance fans are well-aware of how much Dixie meant to Bob, and some of us even became personally attached after his blog series and frequent twitter updates in which he shared stories of their drive across the country together to get home.
Bob rescued Dixie from a Southern shelter, inspiring her well-fitting name and, from what we have seen in his posts, she has had his heart since.
This blog is dedicated to Bob's beloved Dixie and will function as a forum in which fans can express their well-wishes for Bob.
Post your comments below, and I will re-post them into the body of this blog; then, I will send the link to the boys on twitter in hopes that Bob can see.
Remember to include your name and a link to a picture if you'd like to have a face attached to your sentiments.
Dear Bob,
Cassie Whitt
Reading all of Bob's posts about Dixie was heart-warming. Having dogs that I consider not only pets but best friends, I know the connection one can have with one's pet. Bob demonstrated such a love for Dixie that I think all fans could see absolutely radiating. I am sorry for your loss, Bob, and I hope that trainer gets what he deserves! Thank you for sharing Dixie’s life with us; she will remain alive in all our memories. I hope you are able to gain truth and closure soon.
Dear Bob:
I was truly devastated after hearing about your loss. I am very sorry about what happened. We understand how much Dixie meant to you. All I can say is that I'm sure you gave her the happiest life any dog could ever ask for, and that she must have been very grateful for it. Dixie is in doggie heaven right now sending you lots of love from up there. She was a beautiful dog and she will be forever in your heart (and ours too).
Karina, Mexico city
Oh my god...
Reading that article stopped my heart.
I've lost animals before, but I can't even [fathom] how Bob must feel.
This makes me physically numb...
I hope that justice is served here.
God... you could just tell how much Bob loved Dixie.
This breaks my heart.
I wish him all of the very very very best.
Anna B.
Bob, I am so sorry for your loss. My Chem fans could obviously tell how much you loved her, which in turn made us love her as well. She was such a beautiful dog, and will be missed. Adopting her, knowing how difficult it could be raising a dog that was abused, was tremendously kind; there need to be more people like you in the world. I hope that the truth comes to light, and justice is served for Dixie.
RIP Dixie
--Anna B.
Hi bob... Hey, I just wanted to stop by a few minutes and send you so many hugs, you have to know, that you have all of our support, I know how hard this can be and yet, I can't imagine what you're going trough, this shit is so unfair, this is a hard time, but we're gonna be here for you, we always have and we always will. We love you, Bob, and keep on living, you just take the time to give this fucker what he deserves. Good luck with everything, XOXO Brerard.... <3 Dixie <3
I'm so sorry to hear about Dixie's passing. We all loved Dixie and we could tell she was very close to you. A dog is like a family member, they are also a best friend. Our thoughts are with you and please accept my condolences and sympathy,
Amanda Kay
Elathan's Muse
JUSTICE FOR DIXIE! Take him down, Bob! Hold that guy accountable for his actions and I hope you get the truth about what happened. This guy shouldn't so much as LOOK at another pet!
Hey, Bob, I just wanna say that Dixie is gonna be in a better place, is horrible what happen to her, i know that this is gonna be a hard time to u, but we're gonna be supporting you! we love you!! That person of shit is going to get what he deserves. Take care, good luck, Valerie. xO.
I hope Bob knows that all of the fans feel for him and all mourn the loss of Dixie. We loved her like she was our own...
Well… Bob this is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done but u have to know u have all of our love and support and I know this is hard but u have to think about her... she always made u so happy and that was the only thing that made her happy....ur happiness and if she's not here anymore u know she'll always be with you just to see ur smile every time u'll be thinking about her...because of that u keep on going well be here for you..whenever u need us with so much love!! xoxo BunnyFuckinD
<3 dixie <3
Bob Bryar;
There are no words in any language to make this better. Nothing I say or do will fix the situation. Just know that if we could bring back Dixie, we would do so in a heartbeat. It was obvious what she meant to you, and what you meant to her. Nobody deserves to feel what you do right now, and we want more than anything to be able to offer our support.
Dixie's story of adoption, and life with you has left an impact on every fan - and stranger - who has read it. From my usually silent father to one of my closest friends, each person that read those blogs some months ago walked away with something to say. Your words showed an unbelievably touching love, and passion for this creature's life. Within a few posts and pictures, everyone fell in love with a dog that we had not met; but knew was very, very special. An empty seat will forever exists where this beautiful being used to sit, and nothing can properly sum up how I feel about that truth.
Know that you are not alone in the pain, and grief you experience today. All of us mourn with you, and pray that justice will be reached for the dog that moved, touched, and changed a fanbase.
May Dixie be at peace wherever her soul now resides. She will not soon be forgotten, that is without a single doubt. Sleep well, wherever you are
With a lot of love,
Dear Bob,
I am so very sorry for what happened to Dixie. People like him don't deserve to live. Take him down Bob, give him what he deserves. Well, don't actually murder him because then you will go to jail and Dixie, the other guys of MCR and all the fans and the MCRmy do not want that. But you know what I mean.
I can't even begin to understand what you must be going through and how you must be feeling right now but you need to remember we're all here for you and you can get through this, as hard as it may seem. Just remember; "I am not afraid to keep on living..." keep telling yourself that. You'd be amazed by the number of people that simple line has helped, it will help you too.
Keep hangin' on in there Bob.
Kaitlyn Jackson
Tasmania, Australia
Oh and be expecting a card from the incredible numbers of the MCRmy at my school [Ogilvie High] alone, and a good few others outside of it. XXOOXXOO
Hey Bob, I'm really sorry for what happened to Dixie, I started crying when I read about it, then I had to stop myself from yelling at my computer screen because my parents were sleeping. I knew how much Dixie meant to you, and that dude sounds like a complete asshole. I hope he gets what he deserves […] Just know that you have all of your fans supporting you (not to mention you probably have friends and family doing that too).
xo- Heather, Cincinnati
I hope u feel better soon! I cried after I read it.
I have a dog too, and I know I would be super depressed if that happened to me; I’m so sorry to hear that.
You loved her; we know that. Aww, Bob
we loved her too, but not as much as you did,
cheer up! I know Dixie doesn't want to see you so upset..
we love you bob!
we'll always will!
you know if only i could be there with u,i wud hug you, Bob, and cry too.
I feel so sorry for Bob, I love dogs and know how does that feels.
All that stories that bob let us knew via twitter made us laugh over and over again.
I’m just hoping that the guy who made this to Dixie pays for what he did, at least give Bob an explanation of whatever happened that day, but will be much better if he had to pay in a legal way.
we are with bob
my best wishes to him!!
DJ Gabo
Hey man, I know this is a really hard time for you. Man, you really are an inspiration for me musically, I admire you a lot, and all of this what youre going trough will only make me admire you more, I wish you the best luck ever in all of this, I have a dog too, and I don’t know what would I do if I was in your situation, a huge hug man. And hope the motherfucker gets what he deserves.
I don't really know what to say cause I know that nothing really makes it better. Nothing anyone can say makes it okay. But I am so so so very extremely sorry about Dixie. The time she had with you was amazing, I know it.
Bob we grieve with you and for you. Thank you for sharing Dixie with us. We extend love and support at this sad time.
I am so sorry about Dixie. i started crying when i found out because i know how much she meant to you. After looking at the pictures of her and reading about her from your always-funny blogs, I think her death took a chunk out of the My Chemical Romance fans too. Saving her from the shelter was an extremely kind and wonderful thing to do, there really should be more people like you in this world. that trainer is a serious asshole and the shit that happened is really not fair. Go give that fucker what he deserves, your fans are all standing behind you, well at least now you know i am. Dixie was great and she's always going to be remembered. this is an absolutely horrifying situation in which you are going through and i hope you recover well from it. just remember that you had Dixie in your life, but don't think she's gone because she's not. wherever she is right now (dog heaven), she's sending you all her love and she's probably even watching you right now.
XOXO Leeann <3 *big big big hug*
Bob, I am so sorry. I don't even know Dixie, and she meant a lot to me, so I can imagine how much she means to you. A while ago the vet did the same thing to my dog, because he was sick. There was possible treatment for him, but they didn’t ask our permission, and didn't ask if we wanted to do the treatment. I'm crying right now, and I am devastated. My prayers go out to you. I am so sorry. He did the wrong thing. Sue him for everything he has. It won't replace her, and it won't give him what he deserves, but it is the best you can do. Again, I am really sorry. We will all be there for you, all your fans, and I am sure all the guys will be too. :( I'm truly sorry Bob....
Rasha (headfirst4halos00)
Bob, I am so sorry for your loss, and I now that this is a very difficult time for you. As a pet owner myself, I can imagine all of the heartbreak you are going through. Dixie is in a better place and I'm sure that she is very grateful for all of the love and kindness you have bestowed upon her. She is in heaven now, chewing on some yummy doggy bones in that big field in the sky. I will keep you in my prayers, and remember, that me, and fellow fans will be supportive and will hope that justice will be served.
Rasha =]
oh my word
I cant even believe this, when I read the article I just started crying, it was like reliving the day I lost my dog... I know its hard and its most probably worse as you don’t know what happened to her. Just know that you will get through it and that idiot of a trainer will pay, I hope you know that all the fans are here for you for support.
loads of love for dixie she will be missed xoxoxoxoxoxo
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I've lost my own dog at 19, a half-pug/half-jack russell named Bandit.
The agony I felt was terrible. This, is so much worse.
Bring him down. You're doing the right thing and we're all behind you and Dixie.
Dear Bob,
I really feel for you, I can't believe what has happened to you. Every one of us here loved Dixie too, and we could easily tell she meant the world to you.
Adopting Dixie after she was abused and everything else was a great thing to do, we can tell she stole your heart from the minute you saw her, and no wonder, she stole all our hearts.
Reading the article for the first time just about killed us all. It shocked me, a lot. I think I speak for all of us when I say that the 'trainer' that done this should not just be sued.
Dixie was one great dog, I'll miss her loads, I'll miss all the stories you told us about her too.
Remember that you have all us fans supporting you 100% of the way
For Dixie, I'm sure, you Won't be afraid to keep on living...
Lots of love and hugs for you <3
And lots also for Dixie, wherever she may be, we love her <3
Morgan, Glasgow, Scotland <3
Davina Ivlow
started crying when I heard the news. I'm so so very sorry for this loss. Dogs are my favorite animals. We all want you to know that we love you with all our hearts and we are here for you. <3 <3 <3
-Davina Ivlow, Missouri
Dear Bob Bryar,
I'm so much sorry for what happened to Dixie.I cant find any word that I can describe. I can understand you. You always did great things for Dixie. We all fans was appreciate that you were shared Dixie’s pictures with us
We all know how much you love her
She was kinda a friend, a child for
you. She was lucky to have an owner like Bob. I'd wish that This never happened to Dixie :(. Don’t forget that You gave Dixie a great a life, You know.
Take Care too much, Dear Bob
Our hearts with you. We all Love you so much...
Good Luck, Hugs*
Claire L.
Aww, I'm sorry what you have gone through. I can't say I feel your pain, but I could tell that Dixie was part of you. She was a lovely dog and at least she's still in your heart.
the news saddened me. I know what it's like to lose someone you love and someone who has become a part of your family. My little dog died in April and it was devistating. I can only imagine how it would feel not knowing what really happened. I hope that you will find the answer so that it can bring you some closure.
Always remember that your fans are here for you. You have touched our lives and have brought us so much hapiness, we hope we can give you something back. You and Dixie will be in my prayers and I hope that you will find comfort with friends and family.
Thanks for being a part of our lives and thanks for giving us sneak peaks at your life with Dixie. She will be remembered with a smile on our faces.
Denisse, Utah
Chanele Mc Guinness
Dear Bob,
I am soo sorry to hear about Dixie..
Obviously, I didn't know Dixie,
But I can understand cause my dog, Nollaig, passed away a few years ago..
But not under these circumstances.
This makes it so much harder..
The truth will come out eventually..
So sorry..
When I read the article
I felt something strange in my heart, I just can't believe it!!. I'm so sorry, this is a very bad new. I recently lost my dog Frida,
she died in a mysterious way too.
Now Dixie is in a better place, she knows you love her very much and the most important thing you gave her a great a life.
100000 hugs.
Tabasco Mexico
I can't even believe this. Bob, I am so, SO sorry for your loss. I'm glad that all of the fans were able to get to know Dixie from all your posts about her. We've all become attached to her too, and this is absolutely devastating. I recently lost my beloved cat Mickey that I had for almost my entire life to kidney failure and was on a camping trip when she passed. I can't imagine having lost her in the hands of someone else, though. All of us are behind you in every step of the way of revealing the truth and serving justice. We love you, Bob, and we'll miss Dixie too. Again, I'm so, so sorry.
Danet Grabbe
Dear Bob,
When I heard the news, I was in tears and couldn't even speak. I can't find words to describe how this makes me feel. It was easy to see how much you really loved and cared for Dixie. She was extremely lucky to have you as an owner. To have you as a friend. We all grew to love Dixie very much and we always will. Just know that we're all here for you and always will be. Dixie will be in our hearts forever more.
We miss you, DixieDiarrhea.
And though it may never be truly ok again, the good stuff will let us live with the bad.
Dixie will be remembered by MCR lovers for a long, long time.
Good luck Bob.
Dear Bob,
We're all terribly sorry to hear the news, and nothing we say will be able to take the pain away, but at least we can all share it so that it doesn't feel like such a heavy weight on your heart.
You can always remember Dixie as the dog you shared memorable moments with, and I'm sure she'll do the same wherever she is. You gave her the best life she could've had, and I bet she loves you just as much as you love her.
And I know you must need some kind of closure, know what happened to her, but even if you don't ever get the truth, be sure to know that right here and now, not then and there, she's watching and taking care of you.
We hope the best for you, and if you need to break down, please know that we're all here to pick you up. Always.
I'm really sorry about Dixie. I didn't really know her, but I remember when my pet died I was stuck in a horrible mood. It was really bad because I felt like I lost my best friend and about 2 hours later I had to go and perform in front of a really big crowd. To make it worse, while I was telling my friend about it, some guy comes up and is like "Were you feeding it drugs? I wouldn't be surprised if you did, freak." People like that just annoy the shit out of me.
I really hope that trainer guy gets what he deserves. If I were you, I'd do exactly the same thing.
The news made me tear up a bit because I just hate hearing about animals dying. My friend Maria and I wish you the best.
Best wishes,
Dear Bob
We are with you in these sad times!
We hope that justice is made that the person who took Dixie away from you pays for the distress and sadness they caused you !
Dixie was a great dog and we all came to love her through the love you expressed for her!
I just hope that you can find peace in your heart and specially i hope that she didn't suffer when her time abruptly came.
Stay strong Bob...we are behind you to support you !!
My most sincere condolences,
Ana Claudia Castro (El Salvador)
Nelle Barcena
Hey Bob,
I'm really sorry for your loss. I won't say I understand how you feel, but I guess you must be really lonely and devastated right now. I can't send you anything to show how much I feel sorry for you and Dixie, but I hope you get to read this. A lot of us MCR fans send our condolences and we hope the one responsible for what happened to Dixie gets what he deserves. I'll pray for you and her and I hope you're alright. Take your time in healing, we can all wait. Maybe someday you can come out of your misery and learn to smile again.
I know I never knew Dixie, but as we can all tell from your Tweets and blogs and the photos of her that you posted, you really considered her as part of your family. I'm not sure if I understand your pain, because I lost my Dad several years ago, maybe I can feel a small part of it.
Best wishes, and we all hope you're okay.
Bob, my heart breaks for you. I know how it feels, and I would never wish it on anyone. Losing a loved one is hard, and I hope one day your wounds will heal.
Love from my side of the 'verse,
dear Bob,
im really sorry for your loss. i cant believe a careless man would do such a horrible thing. i know how it feels to lose a dog that i have had all my life..=[ again im truely sorry for your loss
Dear Bob:
I am so, so, so sorry you're having to go through this. My best friend and I were together when we found out what happened, and I burst into tears while she started hyperventilating. Even though it can't bring Dixie back to you, I hope you know that that... organism that calls itself a man is disgusting. You, Dixie, and every other dog and human he's hurt are worth millions of him.
If there's anything that ANY of us can do for you, post a blog and you know we'll all be doing it for you. Send a letter to the courts? You got it. Hunt down this repulsive creature and beat him with baseball bats? We're already searching for information. Hold a candlelight vigil in Dixie's honour? We'll have one planned in no time.
You are a WONDERFUL person, and you don't deserve even one iota of the pain you must be feeling right now. It WASN'T your fault, and there was NOTHING you could have done to prevent this from happening. You're the best, most loving human a dog could ask for.
Take care,
I hope you find justice for what happened to Dixie. From what you said, she sounded like an amazing friend. Remember that we're always here for you. No one deserves this kind of distress, so I hope everything gets resolved, and I hope everything is okay with you.
Shane Rakier
Dear Bob,
I'm really really sorry about your loss of Dixie. I can honestly say that she was your whole world, because I had a chihuahua dog named Rosita, who got sick and the doctor told us there was nothing we could do for her. Dixie will always be remembered by the MCRmy and fans all over the world, cause she was very, very special to you.
I'm glad you saved her and gave her a loving home. You had a lot of heart to help her find love in her life, although she's been through tough times.
We love you Bob, and we will always love Dixie.
Other websites showing support:
The MCRmy | Chemically Romanced Messageboard |
(Please send me more links to sites so I can add them here)
Remember, you can send cards and such to Bob through the mail to Warner Brothers:
Warner Brothers Records
c/o Jeff Watson
3300 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
Jeff Watson delivers all mail to the band members, so Bob will get whatever you send.
I am so sorry for your loss. Losing someone that close to you is never easy but in time you will get better.Her memory will live on in the hearts of many. All of the My Chem fans are sending their love and support to you in this difficult time.
Dear Bob,
I'm so sorry to hear about Dixie, I know how much a pet means to a person. I have three cats and I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to them. I really hope that it will get better for you and that the man pays for what he did. That is not right for any human being to do. I hope that it gets better, I know I always follow everything that you do. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all.
I was so upset when I learned what has happened to Dixie. I know how heart breaking losing a pet can be, and I'm sure you're in a lot of pain right now. I hope the trainer that was caring for her at the time of her death gets what they deserve and that after they do that you will feel more at peace. Keep the fact that Dixie loved you close in your heart. Continue to love her and remember the good times you had with her.
I hope that you know that every one of us supports you in this trying time. I can not express what how sorry I am that you have to go through this. This is a punishment I wouldn't wish on anyone. I truly hope that you can find justice and peace. I wish you closure and all the love I could possibly give to you. I sincerely hope that things get better for you. You are a great person and you deserve more than what life has given you now. I wish you all the best, and know we are here for you. All of your fans are here for you. We love you Bob!
-Kelia Remsen, New York
I am shocked to hear of what happened to Dixie. She was beautiful and I hope you win your lawsuit because she deserves justice. My dog's name is Chansen and he's my baby. If something like that happened to him I don't know what I'd do. I am so sorry. I love you and support you always.
Rest in peace Dixie. Your memory will live on forever. <3
xoxo trish
I am deaply sorry to hear about Dixie. We all knew how much she meant to you. My only wish now is that the trainer suffers justice and is sued, or even jailed for what he did.
We all love you, and hope that everything turns out for the best.
Rest In Peace Dixie. "Although your dead and gone believe me, your memory will carry on."
i would sue the dudes ass sooo bad if it were me he's be sooo scared