#MCRmyForLife - International My Chemical Romance Day 2013

I hope everyone has had a great International My Chemical Romance Day. This year was kind of surreal for me (and I'm sure for many others, as well.)

I got to celebrate in a pretty huge way by writing an IMCRDarticle for the magazine for which I work now to highlight the MCRmy and this awesome way we band together every year.

That's pretty crazy on its own, considering just a couple years ago, I was standing outside the venue where I worked press at Warped Tour just last week with the members of the band themselves. A person very dear to me pointed to the the magazine I call home's editor that night and said, "You should work for him."

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I actually would. It’s so strange how things in my life constantly come back to MCR.

I think it's because of the profound impact they have had on my life. It's just engrained. I have so much to be thankful for—the MCRmy, the band, the inspiring world we built together, this blog, even.
It all helped me achieve my dreams.

So, here’s my quick thank you to everyone. I’m so honored and proud to have been able to share even this small thing today.

Alternative Press: #MCRmyForLife: 20 Ways To Celebrate International My Chemical Romance Day


Francesca said…
I've found that everything comes back to MCR too. It's strange but I'm glad; I feel as though I've had a good start in life...

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