Gerard and Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance) discuss working with The Aquabats

[I originally posted this on, December 4 @ 10:30 a.m. EST]

My Chemical Romance vocalist Gerard Way and bassist Mikey Way appear on today's installment of Kevin Smith's Smodcast. In the midst of the 2-hour episode, the Way brothers reveal details of their working on a new episode of The Aquabats Super Show.
Co-written by Gerard, the Aquabats Super Show episode titled "Anti-Bats Are Go" is described as "the Superman II version of The Aquabats." It features a thrashcore band called Asthma, and Mikey Way makes his acting debut playing the singer.
Last month, Gerard tweeted about co-directing a television show, presumably the aforementioned one:
The brothers also discuss the challenges of writing music after being on the road for an extended period of time and how that translated to 2010's Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, their musical upbringings, including the music they listened to when they were young and their first bands: an instrumental metal band pronounced "Drakkora," a Rites Of Spring and Promise Ring-esque band, Raygun Jones, and a punk band called Nancy Drew.

Listen to the full "smodcast."

UPDATE: December 7 at 11:49 p.m. EST
Today, Gerard Way tweeted that he was, "Off to record Smodcast part 2!"
Stay tuned!


Anonymous said…
Hi! Can you post the second part of the Smodcast? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!
Unknown said…
I was just listening to this smodcast last night. Looking forward to catching season two of The Aquabats Super Show! It's one of my guilty pleasures.....

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