My Chemical Romance Release Final 'Danger Days' Video with Help from a Fan

My Chemical Romance have released the video for "The Kids From Yesterday," their final Danger Days single in a very special way.

Frank Iero said of the video in his newest blog post:
"This song means a lot of different things to us individually and we hope it speaks to you as well. When deciding what kind of video would work the best with the song we immediately thought of a "video collage" ...something that would show the progression of the band over the past 10 years leading up to one of our most memorable moments, closing the Reading and Leeds festivals this past summer. We began collecting footage and literally stumbled upon an incredible video done by a talented young lady named Emily Eisemann. She had made a fan video, put it up on YouTube and it summed up what we had been trying so very hard to make, perfectly. So we gave her a call, put our videos together, and the rest, as they say, is history."

Eisemann, who created a "fan promo" for the band in attempt to express what the band means to her said, "the idea that [the original video] was wanted for an official release...left me flailing."

"I could never have expected that one day, I would be contacted by the overwhelmingly lovely people of My Chem’s management and asked, in exchange for compensation, to contribute what I had made to the official video for Kids. Not after an era of spectacular Killjoy videos with whose Trans-Ams, inclusion of legendary comic book writers, and badassery, my own creation could never compete."

You can watch her original video below:

If any of you remember, I--too--was so touched by how well it represented MCR when I stumbled across the video that I posted about it in February, and I'm so glad she got the opportunity to help compile this for MCR!

Congratulations, Emily, and thank you for helping express what so many of us also feel toward MCR!



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