The Official MCRmy Returns!

The MCRmy, My Chemical Romance's official fan community and street-team relaunched March 21.

The new MCRmy, because its promo "missions" will be based primarily online, lives on Tumblr where its content will be easily shareable among team members and those who are not team members alike.

The site is revamped and there are many new features for members to explore. One of the new features of the MCRmy, for instance, is the option to register your local "gangs" to make meet-ups for easy for members.

The MCRmy message board, a place many of us called home before the original Street Network-hosted MCRmy shut down, has - of course - returned. I'm very honored to say that I have been asked to be among the board's moderators. So, if you have any questions let me know!

Join the MCRmy, and let's make this bigger than ever before, soldiers!



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