First Blog and Exciting News!!!

My journalism professor and academic advisor, Professor Robert Stewart, advised us students to set up blogs to set ourselves apart from the mass-media-working hopefuls. Who would have thought that all the former blogs I have had in which I have simply vented my feelings, posted angsty poetry, or reviewed - in full detail- My Chemical Romance shows could have been used for something useful? Not that those things weren't useful to me, and not that those reviews couldn't be seen by someone important and exciting, but... I learn something new every day that I am here: new information to not only advance my chances of getting work, but to help me understand exactly what it is into which I am getting myself.

I want to be a journalist- a music journalist to be exact. I want to be a link between fan and band and have the privelage and honor to delve into their artistic views. We learned that the main function of journalism is to make sense of our world for our audience. In the tiny world that is the music industry, I would be working to show the fans exactly what is happening with the artists they love. I, having had experience in this myself, could even be the means through which someone finds a musical artist who changes that person's life.

Now, to my exciting news!

Roughly a half hour ago, I ended a phone call with the editor of the webzine for which I write. In this conversation she gave me many pieces of advice and counseled me in the way of the "rock star," because I am now the co-editor of the 'zine and will be working much more closely with said "rock stars." Our webzine is becoming serious now. After issues with badly edited, sometimes mediocre content, we're going to get serious. Our website went down due to a quitting designer, we had quitting writers, abundant personal crisis, but we're still going, and are going to come back stronger than ever. I provided a link above to us above-- Mayhem Rock Magazine.

This makes me think of the chapter we had to read for our first class of Journalism 101 in which it critisized citizen-journalism and how it could be detrimental to the journalism industry. But, to that, I must ask this: in an industry where experience, experience, EXPERIENCE is the key, is it so bad for an aspiring journalist to work as a writer and one who provides the audience with needed information? If we have no means to get the experience that we need is it bad to start our own experiences? And does not every magazine, newspaper, or radio station had to have started somewhere?



A. Liebendorfer said…
when things get cookin' with this webzine you're going to have to send me a link

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