My Chemical Romance Digest: September 10-23

Here's an outline of what's been going on in the My Chemical Romance world since my previous "MCR digest" post on September . --- September 14 My Chemical Romance's Frank Iero reveals 'Conventional Weapons' project Check out Frank Iero 's recount of MCR's scrapped album ( Conventional Weapons ) era and the details of their upcoming releases. Post also includes information about the accidental posting of the fourth 7" in the series that tipped fans off that something was coming! September 17 My Chemical Romance reveal 'Conventional Weapons' details Tracklisting a pre-order details for Conventional Weapons ! September 18 Alternative Press announced that their upcoming issue will include an interview with deadmau5 and Gerard Way ! I'm particularly stoked about this; because, I actually got to transcribe the interview while I was in office, and I've been dying to tell you about it! "Following the succ...