UPDATE: September 28, 2011 @ 12:40 p.m. I was just sent a scan of the original Kerrang! article. In the language Kerrang! , the original story source, used, the side-project aspect was less of a highlight than NME 's report: "And while the band members are all concentrating on My Chemical Romance for now, Frank believes that one day, they may each explore other projects--similar to his 2009 Leathermouth album XO -- before returning to the fold." Kerrang! Magazine ORIGINAL POST: September 28, 2011 @ 11:54 a.m. According to NME , citing the latest issue of Kerrang! , Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance has said the band hopes to make a quick return to the studio, but will also continue with their side-projects. Iero had told Kerrang! : "We're being very creative right now. There are some really bright and creative things going on. At every soundcheck, we're coming up with new pieces of music that could turn into something incredible. So we're hop...