Stream My Chemical Romance's Album Release Show has announced that they will be streaming My Chemical Romance's November 22 album release show in Hollywood so that fans even thousands of miles away to experience it!

"Live In L.A.: My Chemical Romance" is set to go live on the MTV website at 10 p.m. EST.

In addition to the record release show stream, MTV also mentioned that My Chemical Romance's "SING" video will premier at 7:56 p.m. EST, November 18 on MTV and

Furthermore, starting November 29, MCR is set to be MTV's featured PUSH artist and will "take over MTV and"



Anonymous said…
Can the show also be streamed in Germany?
Unknown said…
Do you think anyone could record it? It's going to be 04.00 am my time and on a monday, it's not gonna be possible for me to watch it at that time.. :(
milkey-way and Lina-

I'm not sure about international streaming. These things tend to end up recorded somehow, but I can't guarantee that it will.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful about that.


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