My Chemical Romance Mystery Twitter Accounts
Shortly after the cryptic change of My Chemical Romance's website, a strange Twitter account called "Dr. Death Defying" appeared. It was followed by only NewsAGoGo and a friend of the band when it reached out mysteriously to one fan, who tipped everyone off. It was later followed (then subsequently unfollowed) by both Ray Toro and Frank Iero. Things got weird. Here's how it's going down so far... September 3, 2010 Dr. Death Defying : Look alive sunshine. Shits all fucked up in the zones. Dr. Death Defying : Words are gasoline, motorbabies Dr. Death Defying : @thankthevenom Look alive... Dr. Death Defying : @thesnackfairy There are more pills produced in Battery City than grains of sand in Zone 4. -- NewsAGoGo : complete blackout. generators on stand-by. noise outside. screaming. static. sounds, robots dying... -- Dr. Death Defying : @thatkkbitch Answer: Popping nitros near Wolfblood Beach will break more than your heart, it'll ...
It sounds like Chili Peppers mixed with Avenged Sevenfold mixed with awesome.
I think "SING" is my favorite so far, but this one definitely had me strutting through Nelson Dining Hall about a half hour ago. I kicked the door open. Felt pretty bad-ass.