New MCR-related Poll!

Hey, guys! If you will look slightly to your right, you will see that I have added a poll to my sidebar.

Basically, what I'm asking is whether or not you guys would be interested in reading about older shows. I have My Chemical Romance live reviews dating back to 2005 that I would willingly share if you guys are interested.

Here's the catch: these were written when I was much younger and are, therefore, not as great quality writing. If I were to post them, I would edit them a bit, but they're still readable without much editing.

Let me know what you think!


PS: The picture I posted with this is a bit random, but it's my face-paint interpretation of "Thank You for the Venom," which is what made me think about doing this in the first place. Ha-ha!


Anna said…
I would be interested! I love show reviews, especially My Chem reviews.

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