My Chemical Romance "Na Na Na..." Video Set To Premier October 14 on MTV

The video for My Chemical Romance's "Na Na Na ( Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)" is set to premier on MTV October 14 at 11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, immediately following the new episode of Jersey Shore.

The video will be avaible to view on at 12:01 a.m. Eastern prior to its television debut.



Anonymous said…
12AM or PM?
Ioioriot said…
I´ll stick to the Tv for the first time since Desolation Row
can u tell me the Chile hour for the video??
Valery aka #Ioioriot
yeah, crash queen
Midnight! Sorry about that! I edited in the A.M. to make it more clear! :]

As for the time in Chile, try this website: You will want to convert from New York time. :]
Anonymous said…
Damn it. Can't stay up to watch it on MTV, I'll have to watch it in the morning. I need my beauty sleep.
Anonymous said…
hey guys the site is under maintence! thats a good thing right?! :D
Anonymous said…
sorry that was tottaly random (last comment) and im very excited! and did you hear about the possibly new single "The Only Hope For Me Is You" yet?

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