A Call to MCR Fans: MCR Chat on Twitter!!
Hey, guys! Today I set up an MCR chat twitter. http://twitter.com/MyChemChat Here's the back-story (originally posted as an MCRmy promotion project), and I would appreciate your help spreading the word so we can make this work! :} ♥ With the Twitter's being such a HUGE and still-growing media, I thought a good way to promote the band would be to get My Chemical Romance on the trending topics list of the site. I made a project for this, and we have tried and failed time and time again (minus the whole #mikeywayday incident. Ha!), so I looked to often-trending subjects to find out the secrets. The secret to trending a topic on twitter is rapid-fire updates all sharing a common tag. If you look at #journchat, which trends on Monday nights, it is apparent why. This is a scheduled chat in which members discuss a topic, answering a common question and follow it with the tag #journchat. This makes all the responses show up when one searches #journchat on twitter, transforming the sear...