My Chemical Romance parts with drummer Bob Bryar

Hello Friends,
Recently it seems as though every time we write to you guys we have bad news, and we apologize for that, but we've learned in life you can't have the sweet without the sour. As a band we have been very fortunate over the years that our sweet times have greatly outweighed the sour ones, and a great deal of that is owed to you, the fans. Which is why we wanted this news to come from us and not some bullshit gossip site.
As of 4 weeks ago, My Chemical Romance and Bob Bryar parted ways. This was a painful decision for all of us to make and was not taken lightly. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and expect you all to do the same.
We also wanted to give you all a quick heads up on how the record is progressing. We have been writing some very powerful new songs so this week the four of us entered the studio once again, and what has been ending up on tape each night is some of the most exciting and honest work we have ever created.
We hope this letter finds you well, we miss you...
talk to you soon,
xo MCR
As the title of Iero's post reassures, "One chapter ends and another begins...."
The band announced in November that they had moved into the mixing stages of recording. With the new tracks Iero mentions, it looks as if the remaining members of My Chemical Romance now have even more in store for fans.
Bryar joined My Chemical Romance in 2004, moving from being a sound tech to replacing original MCR drummer Matt Pelissier. Bryar's recorded work with MCR can be heard on 2006's The Black Parade, its B-sides and the band's 2009 single "Desolation Row."
Best of luck, Bob.
Think happy thoughts...