My Chemical Romance Store T-shirt Sale!

Yesterday, an amazing thing happened to My Chemical Romance's online merch store. It had fans bouncing with glee and credit cards a'swiping. What was it, you ask? Oh, a little thing we like to call AN EPIC DISCOUNT!
The current sale, which will last until October 15th, gives the purchaser of a t-shirt 50% off a second shirt, and the purchaser of two t-shirts a third shirt for free.
Unfortunately, many people have been experiencing problems with the discount's working. If this happens to you, you can contact Warner Bros Records/ Nonesuch customer service by Email at or call them at (866) 759-4843. I've had only positive experiences dealing with customer service, and I'm sure they can help you.
So, yes there is the whole matter of a sale, but--
What does it all mean?
Well, let's think about this. There have been MANY sales at the MCR store this past year. Fan websites were simply handed coupon codes, a sale of "classic" merch happened, and prices as low as $5.99 were placed on some items.
If I'm interpreting this correctly, WBR/Nonesuch are doing some MAJOR housecleaning. Now, this may be the fault of some of you illegally-downloading, record industry-killing brats and they are hurting for money, but I doubt that. You see, there's a basic equation that solves this whole thing.
Upcoming Album + New Logo + New Themes = LOTS OF BRAND NEW MERCH!
Remember when those "We are the black parade" shirts came out before any of us even knew what The Black Parade was, but we still bought them anyway? Oh, man...
One can only hope the new wave of merch causes as much fuss and confusion as the pre-Parade merch did.
That shirt was a limited edition one of which they made only 200 when they played Summer Sonic.
I doubt it is available in red anymore, but Hot Topic, I believe, has a version of it in black.
I hope that helps.