My Chemical Romance Transcripts: My newest MCR Project Loving something and being unable to access it sucks...a lot. That is a lesson I have learned from having limited Internet access (as you've seen me whine about here every summer and winter break) when I am at home. For a long time I--and many others--have had to deal with absolutely aching for news and information about My Chemical Romance while being restricted from it either by bad connections, language barriers or technology that simply does not aide us. So, also for a long time, I had been planning to start an interview transcripts blog to help broaden the availability and findability of MCR information. Now that it has been populated with some content, I am sharing it here! I will let the mission statement I posted on the blog speak to my goals and reasons behind the new project: With a news blog and an active Twitter chat why, you would be justified in asking, would I create yet another MCR project? It’s simple: information access . ...